Request for Proposals – Accounting Services

The Village of Antioch, Illinois (“the Village”) is soliciting proposals from qualified firms of certified public accountants to provide specific accounting services. To be considered for this engagement, your firm must meet the qualifications and satisfy the requirements set forth in the RFP. Please email completed proposals to: no later than 12:00 PM on…

On-Call Snow/Ice Control Position

Overview: The Village of Antioch is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Seasonal Snow Plow Driver in the Village’s Public Works Department. This is an On-Call position. On-Call positions are temporary and will last approximately 4 months. Provides snow and ice control services for the Village of Antioch for a specific time period by…

Fall Hydrant Flushing

The Village of Antioch will be doing hydrant flushing beginning the evening of October 17, 2021. The Antioch water department flushes hydrants to ensure they are functioning properly.  Flushing may cause your water to become discolored.  It is advised by our water department to run your water for a few minutes before use.  This is especially…