Sanitary Manhole Rehabilitation Project Request for Bids

Sealed Bids will be received by the Village Administrator of the Village of Antioch, Illinois (“OWNER”), at Village Hall, 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL 60002 until 11:00 a.m., on September 14, 2021 for the construction of the proposed Sanitary Manhole Rehabilitation Project for said OWNER, as described in the project manual and drawings therefore on…

Employment Opportunity – Recreation and Event Specialist

Recreation and Event Specialist Overview: The Village of Antioch is a community of approximately 15,000 people and is located on the Illinois-Wisconsin border halfway between Milwaukee and Chicago at the northwest corner of Lake County. The Village of Antioch is seeking a qualified, and team-oriented applicant for the position of Recreation and Events Specialist.  Under…


Public Works will have crews from GO Painters, Inc. working on an ongoing project of sandblasting and painting fire hydrants. The areas include Route 173 near Menard’s East to Antioch Corporate Center.  It will also include the residential subdivisions of Red Wing View, NeuHaven and Clublands to begin July 30 taking approximately one to two…