Historic Preservation Commission Appointments

The Mayor and the Village Board appointed five members from the community to serve on the newly created Historic Preservation Commission at the Village Board meeting on June 23, 2021. The new members are Ainsley Wonderling, as Chairperson, David Cornes, AIA, Kacey Stevens, Kelly Nawrocki, and Margaret Cole. With these appointments, the Village of Antioch…

Downtown Property Update

Residents may notice some activity at the Northeast corner of Main and Orchard Street in the coming weeks.  The Public Works Department will be removing existing sections of the culvert near Route 83, and replacing it with two new pieces of culvert 20-feet in length each.  These efforts will allow the fence to be set…

Metra Increasing Service on 7 more lines

Metra increasing service on 7 more lines Enhanced schedules to take effect July 12 CHICAGO (July 1, 2021) – Metra today posted schedules for expanded rush hour service to begin Monday, July 12 on seven additional lines to meet growing ridership. New schedules will take effect July 12 on the Heritage Corridor, Milwaukee District North…

Event Survey

We are in the thick of events season in Antioch, and we want to hear from you! What events do you love? Which events need to be reimagined? Your feedback will be used to improve events and programs in the Village. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete—please share it with…

Road Striping Work to begin June 24

Starting Thursday, June 24th-June 25th, weather permitting, Lake County Division of Transportation will be striping sections of Savage Road, Depot Street, Nelson Road, North Avenue, Trevor and Tiffany Road. Roads will be open, but travelers may experience minimal delays.

Downtown Beautification Survey

The Village is excited to being working with “The Lakota Group” on a new Downtown Beautification Vision and we are seeking the input of the residents of Antioch on their vision for the Downtown. Your thoughts and voice are critically important to the future success of this project, so please visit the following link below…