Christmas Parade Applications Available

It is time to start thinking about that magical time of year already.  We are planning our annual Christmas parade.  If you are interested in participating in the parade, please fill out the form below and return it to Antioch’s Parks & Recreation.  The parade will be held on Friday November 29th, (the day after…

Planning and Zoning Board to discuss Cannabis

At the October 23, 2019 Village Board Special Meeting, the Village Board voted to approve Resolution No. 19-62 directing the Planning and Zoning Board to consider a draft ordinance siting cannabis-related businesses and directing the Village Attorney to draft a proposed tax ordinance and related decriminalization ordinances. The Planning and Zoning Board is currently in…

Recreational Marijuana in Illinois

Beginning January 1, 2020 recreational use of marijuana for adults 21 and over will become legal in the State of Illinois.  Private and personal consumption of cannabis cannot be restricted by local governments, however, the act does prohibit the use of cannabis in public places, schools and child care facilities, among other locations.  Municipalities may…

Call 211 to Connect to Social Services

As of Sept. 24, anyone in Lake County who needs help finding health and human services can call 211 and get quickly connected to available resources. The 211 service, provided by United Way of Lake County, is a free, confidential information and referral helpline that will enable Lake County residents to get the help they need…

Route 173 Improvements Scheduled

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) will be making improvements to several of their roadways beginning early October.  A portion of their plans includes Route 173 from Grimm Road, east to Route 45.  The proposal includes patching (intermittent resurfacing) of the affected areas.  Work is expected to begin shortly, and appropriate signage will be placed…

Pittman Property Sinkhole Update

  About the Pittman Property Located in the Village of Antioch town center at the intersection of Main, Depot and Orchard Streets, is a two-acre parcel known as the Pittman Property. The portion of the property with the failed creek culvert is privately owned. It is zoned as “Village Core” and could accommodate commercial, residential…

Groot Landscape Waste Pickup

Landscape Waste: Groot offers the residents landscape waste collection from April 1st through November 30th each year. Collection will coincide with refuse and recycling collection on THURSDAY each week during the season. All landscape waste must be placed at the curb in biodegradable paper bags sold specifically for the collection and disposal of landscape waste.…