Flash Flood Emergency

Lake and Northeastern McHenry County are under a FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY at this time.  This emergency signifies a short duration of intense flooding.  This is an extremely dangerous and life-threatening situation.  Do not attempt to travel unless you are fleeing an area subject to flooding or under an evacuation order.  DO NOT DRIVE THROUGH STANDING…

Environmental Commission Vacancy

The Village of Antioch is currently accepting resumes and letters of interest to fill one vacancy for Environmental Commission Board Member with a term ending 2018.  The Environmental Commission serves as an advisory body to the Village Board and considers and researched policies which foster environmentally sound activities.  Those serving shall be appointed for a…

4th of July Parade Grand Marshal Announced

The Village of Antioch is pleased to announce that Ainsley Wonderling has accepted the honor of leading the annual Independence Day Parade as the Grand Marshal on July 4, 2017.  As Antioch celebrates 125 years of incorporation this year, thousands of spectators will gather to take a trip through history with this year’s theme “Traveling…

Antioch Celebrates 125 years

The Village of Antioch is celebrating 125 years of incorporation this year.  Many organizations have come together to provide activities and events that will help Antioch celebrate this momentous occasion.  Please visit our webpage linked below to learn more.   125th Celebration

2017 Road Program Scheduled

Village staff has acknowledged several roads throughout the Village that are in need of resurfacing.  With funds available in 2017, staff has narrowed the road program improvements to 3.2 miles of selected roads, listed below.  Bids were publicly opened and awarded to Payne & Dolan, Inc by the Village Board.   Work is scheduled to…

4th of July Parade Applications Available

During 2017, the Village of Antioch will be celebrating our 125 Years of Incorporation and we are doing it in style. Our 2017 parade theme will coincide with the celebration and will be titled “Traveling through the Generations”. This year’s parade will be broken into five (5) distinct generational divides and we are asking each…