The Planning and Zoning Division applied good town planning principles to the approval process for all new development within the Village’s boundaries. In addition, Community Development oversees all long term planning efforts within the Village along with creating various design guidelines to maintain the Village’s quality of place.

How do I determine zoning on a property?

To find out the zoning district in which your property is located, locate your property on the color coded zoning map.

What are the responsibilities of the Planning & Zoning Board?

The Planning & Zoning Board considers land use issues and performs additional duties related to consideration of zoning and sign variance requests.  In addition, the commission maintains the Village’s Master Plan; a blueprint of future growth needs.  The 7-member commission forwards recommendations to the Village Board on zoning, land use and subdivision requests.  Members are appointed by the Mayor and serve 3-year staggered terms.

What is a variance?

A variance allows the Village to grant relief from certain code requirements.

What is a public hearing?

The public is afforded an opportunity to express their views on topics before the Planning & Zoning Board and give evidence in support of those views.  The Planning & Zoning Board uses this input when making recommendations that are then forwarded to the Village Board for consideration.

What is a Special Use?

A special use is a use which is generally compatible with the other land uses permitted in a zoning district but which, because of its unique characteristics or potential impacts on the surrounding neighborhood and the Village as a whole, requires individual consideration of its locations, design, configuration, and/or operation at the particular location proposed.  A special use can only be approved subject to the use meeting all of the standards and conditions imposed upon it by the Zoning Ordinance.  See Village Code Section 10-15-5 for approval of a special use and the procedures for special use approval.  Special uses require a public hearing with the Planning & Zoning Commission and must have final approval from the Board of Trustees.

How do I find out if my property is in a flood plain or flood zone?

To find out if your property is located in a flood plain or flood zone, go to ‘link’, click “find a flood map online”…insert directions here.

Village of Antioch Community Development Department
874 Main Street
Antioch, IL 60002
Phone: 847-395-1000
Fax: 847-395-1920

Community Development Director Howard Coppari x 1311
Community Development Permit Coordinator Nancy Slazes x 1302