The total number of parkway trees maintained by the Village of Antioch is 5,010.
Q: Which trees are the responsibility of the Village of Antioch?
A: The Village maintains the trees in the Parkway (area between the sidewalk and curb)
Q: What is Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)?
A: EAB is a small green beetle native to Asia. It was discovered in southeastern Michigan in the summer of 2002. The adult beetles (bright metallic green) nibble on ash foliage causing little damage. The larvae feed on the inner bark which isthe crucial layer between the bark and wood of ash trees that transports water and nutrients to the tree. According to the Illinois Department of Agriculture, the EAB typically moves short distances by flying, but can survive long distance in transit on ash nursery stock, ash logs, branches and firewood. To date, over 1,200 trees have been removed with a majority of them being ash.
Q: How do I report a tree that may be sick or dying?
A: Click here to complete a request for service, email Sherry Hoban in the Public Works Department, or call 847-395-1881.
Q: What happens next? Will the stump be removed? Will the tree be replaced?
A: We will assess the tree to determine if it has to be removed. The stump will be removed by the Village at a later date. The Village has recently implemented a cost share tree replacement program.
Q: Can I replace the tree?
A: Yes. Click here for the permitted tree list. PRIOR to purchase or planting in a right-of-way, a permit must be submitted for approval. There is no charge for this permit.
Q: Can Public Works trim a tree on my property?
A: The Village cannot maintain any trees on private property.
Q: Can Public Works chip my limbs for me?
A: As of August 11, 2008, the Village discontinued its brush pickup (chipping) program. Chipping will be utilized by the Village during emergency situations (such as severe storms). All residents are encouraged to use the program through the contracted waste hauler. Brush will be picked up on your regular garbage pickup day that is tied into bundles no more than four feet (4′) long and two feet (2′) in diameter, and weighing no more than fifty pounds (50lbs). Within each bundle, tree branches cannot be any larger than two inches (2″) in diameter. This is included as a part of the yardwaste program that runs through the end of November.
Q: Why are the parkway trees being trimmed when they don't seem to need it?
A: There are multiple reasons and entities that benefit from the trimming of the parkway trees such as sight distance, clearance for Public Works plow trucks, school buses, garbage trucks and other large vehicles. Trimming is also a health benefit to the tree.