The Water Department is responsible for:
1,031 Fire Hydrants
582 Water Valves
9 water Wells
4 Water Towers
1 Water Tank
71.66 miles of water mains
3 Booster Stations


Backflow Device Testing
Backflow prevention devices are used to protect the Village’s water supply from contaminants and pollutants.  Backflow devices are used for fire sprinklers, lawn irrigation and car washes to name a few.  The backflow device on the service lines will stop contaminants from flowing or siphoning back into the water mains.  Both businesses and residences are required to test the devices at the time of installation and at least annually, or more frequently, if recommended by the manufacturer.  This requirement is mandated through the State of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.  (Title 35 653.8024(E))

BSI Online manages the backflow tracking along with the Village.  Notices will be sent from BSI Online reminding device holders of test dates and submission information. Please contact BSI Online at 800-414-4990 or with any questions.  Thank you for your cooperation to keep the Village of Antioch’s drinking water safe.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: My water has an egg odor. What is the cause of this?

A:  Odor in your water can be caused by lack of movement in the water distribution system causing it to become stagnant.  This can develop if water has not been used for a long period of time due to vacations or traveling for the winter season.  If this is not the case, it can be caused by the water heater.  If the odor is noticeable while using the hot water, or a combination of the hot and cold, a check of the water heater is in order.  If the odor is noticeable when using the cold water only, contact the Public Works office at 847-395-1881.

Q: My water looks rusty. Why?

A:  Occasionally open fire hydrants can cause rust and/or scale to break free from inside the pipes and become suspended in the water.  Water main repairs can also cause this condition.  Allow the cold water tap to run until the water appears clear.  If the condition persists, contact the Public Works office at 847-395-1881.

Q: I have low water pressure. Why?

A:  First see if the pressure from all of the faucets in your home are affected.  If it is on a faucet that has an aerator, clean the aerator located on the faucet head.  If all faucets are affected, contact the Public Works office at 847-395-1881.

Q: Why are the fire hydrants flushed?

A:  The hydrants are flushed to ensure they are functioning properly.  The flushing may cause your water to become discolored.  It is advised to run the water for a few minutes before use.  This is important to do before doing laundry.

Q: I see water seeping up or out of the ground or pavement. What do I do?

A:  Contact the Public Works office at 847-395-1881, or non-emergency dispatch at 847-395-8585 after 3:30 and on weekends.

Q: I seem to be having a problem with my water line. Who is responsible for the repair?

A:  The Village is responsible for the water mains and water service line from the water main to the valve (b-box).  The property owner is responsible for the water service line from the b-box and across the property into the building.  All building plumbing systems, including the valves before and after the water meter are the property owner’s responsibility.

Q: Are there any sprinkling restrictions?

A:  Sprinkling restrictions are effective June 1st through September 15th each year unless stated others. Please click here for restriction information.

Q: What do I need to install a lawn sprinkler system?

A:  A permit is required. .  There is also the option of installing a separate water meter to avoid being charged sewer fees on watering.  The second water meter will be billed on a separate water bill. Click here for sprinkler system and separate water meter requirements.

Q: What is the source of the Village of Antioch's water?

A:  The source of the water depends upon which wells are currently being utilized, water system demands, and your specific location.  Antioch gets its water from groundwater aquifers (underground layer of permeable rock, sediment (usually sand or gravel), or soil that yields water.  The pore spaces in aquifers are filled with water and are interconnected, so that water flows through them) using nine wells located within the Village limits.  These wells pump groundwater from the aquifers to the treatment plant designed to treat the water.  The Village does not get its water from Lake Michigan.

Q: Is fluoride added to the water?

A:  No, it is natural to our aquifer at optimal levels and not necessary to add any additional fluoride.

Q: Where can I get information on the quality of the water?

Q: Who do I need to notify before rodding or flushing my sewer line?

According to Village Code Section 8-2-3-8:

“No work of any kind may be commenced on any sewer line without first notifying the village’s public works department.  This includes, without limitation, any replacement of pipe, any repair of pipe, any flushing of pipe, and any rodding or reaming of any pipe.  In the event of an emergency occurring after hours and requiring immediate attention, the property owner and/or the contractor shall contact the village by calling 911 and shall take only such action as is necessary to halt the discharge of pollutants until directions are given by the superintendent of public works or a designee thereof.”

You may contact the public works department at 847-395-1881 or