The Village Clerk’s office is responsible for maintaining the official records of the Village, and serves as the custodian of all village documents not held by another village officer. The publication of meeting notices, agendas, minutes and ordinances as required by state statute are also performed by the department. Additional functions include Adjudication Court, processing payments received for the water and sewer accounts, business license applications and other payments received by the Village as required. Other duties include customer service, freedom of information requests, codification of Village Ordinances, maintenance and update to the Village web site, and operates as the main switchboard for incoming telephone calls. The Village Clerk’s office is also the main entrance used by customers and visitors who come to the Village Hall.
What is FOIA?
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a state statute that provides the public the right to access government documents and records. FOIA is designed to ensure that the public has access to information about their government and its decision-making process. The law provides that a person can ask a public body for a copy of its records on a specific subject and the public body must provide those records, unless there is an exemption in the statute that protects those records from disclosure (for example: records containing information concerning trade secrets or personal privacy). The Village must generally comply with the request within 5 business days (5ILCS 140/3), unless the request is commercial in nature. Certain exceptions allow an additional 5 days. Copies of public records will be provided upon payment of any applicable copying or reproduction fees, as provided in Section IV (b) of the ILlinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILS 140/4(b)). If requested, copies or records will be mailed after the Village received payment of the cost.
Who can file a FOIA request?
Anyone. Any person, group association, corporation, firm, partnership or organization has the right to file a FOIA request.
Is every public body required to have a designated FOIA officer?
Yes. Every public body must designate at least one person to act as the FOIA officer, and may have more than one FOIA officer. The FOIA officer for the Village of Antioch is Village Clerk Lori K. Romine.
What is the procedure for requesting public records?
Any request for public records in accordance with FOIA shall be submitted in writing to the FOIA Officer. Please be as specific as possible when describing the records you seek. The Freedom of Information Act is in place to allow you to inspect or receive copies of documents. It is not designed to require a public body to answer questions or interpret data. If you wish to ask questions of staff, please click on our Contacts link. Requestors may use the FOIA Request Form to submit their requests and send them to:
Lori K. Romine, RMC/CMC
Village Clerk
Village of Antioch
874 Main Street
Antioch, IL 60002
847-395-1000 x 1304 (phone)
847-395-1920 (fax)
Please follow this link to submit your request online.
In order to promote transparency, certain documents have been made available online to provide access to public information. The following records are currently available on our website:
Agendas & Minutes
Annual Audits
Treasurer’s Reports
Forms and Applications
Village Code
Approved Resolutions
Approved Ordinances
For full details on voter services and election information, please visit the Lake County Clerk’s web page.
Business Licenses
Annual business licenses are required for Restaurants, Food Dealers, Food Trucks, Liquor, Tobacco, Taxi, and Amusement Devices (including pool tables and bowling alleys). Click here for license applications.
Initial liquor license requests must be made in writing to the Village of Antioch Liquor Commissioner. For more information on obtaining a liquor license, please contact Village Clerk Lori Romine at 847-395-1000 x 304 or
If you are hosting an event, special event licenses may be required. All hosts must complete a Special Event Application. Additional licenses for liquor and raffles are required as well. If you have any questions regarding your event, please contact Mary Quilty at 847-395-2160.
The Website Transparency Policy, approved by the Village Board on March 2, 2015, via Resolution No. 15-19, allows the Village of Antioch to ensure that municipal business is approached in an accountable and transparent manner, with an emphasis on openness, ethics, and fiscal responsibility. This policy will hold government and elected officials accountable to the taxpaying public.
The public policy of the State of Illinois is that all persons are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and official acts and policies of those who represent them as public officials and public employees. Access by all persons to public records promotes the transparency and accountability of public bodies, and is a fundamental obligation of government.
Information included:
Elected & Administrative Officials Contact Information
Elected Officials
Administrative Officials
Public Meeting Information
Annual Meeting Calendar
Village Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes
Commissions and Advisory Board Agendas & Minutes
Briefing Room (including agenda items)
Public Records
Freedom of Information Act
Financial Records
Financial Audits
The annual Treasurer’s report provides an expenditure summary for each fiscal year.
The annual Treasurer’s report provides a compensation summary of its employees for each fiscal year. Also, in accordance with Public Act 97-0609, the Village posts the total compensation package for each employee having a total compensation package that exceeds $75,000 per year.
Executed Contracts
Bid Subscriptions

Village Clerk Lori K. Romine
Village of Antioch Clerk’s Office
874 Main Street
Antioch, IL 60002
Phone: 847-395-1000
Fax: 847-395-1920
Village Clerk / FOIA Officer | Lori K. Romine | x 1304 |
HR Coordinator | x 1301 | |
Cashier/Receptionist | Kelly Morris | x 1310 |
Community Development Coordinator | Nancy Slazes | x 1302 |
Administrative Assistant to Village Administrator | Rachel Alcozer | x 1303 |