125 Letters
Annual Meeting Calendar
Approved Resolutions
- 17-01 - Resolving Litigation With St Ignatius 011617
- 17-02 - Adopting The Economic Development Plan 011617
- 17-03 - Economic Development Task Force 011617
- 17-04 - Orchard Street Extension Culvert 020617
- 17-05 - Annual Easter Parade 022017
- 17-06 - 4th Of July Parade 022017
- 17-07 - Sale Of Equipment 022017
- 17-08 - PNC Master Lease Agreement 022017
- 17-09 - HR Green Sequoit Creek Culvert Construction 022017
- 17-10 - Tag Days 2017 030617
- 17-11 - 885 Civic Club Carnival 030617
- 17-12 - Synagro Sludge Hauling Contract 030617
- 17-13 - Centennial Tennis Court Resurfacing 030617
- 17-14 - McKay Tree Purchase 030617
- 17-15 - Arthur Weiler Tree Planting 030617
- 17-16 - 2017 Road Program Bid Authorization 032017
- 17-17 - Welcoming And Inclusive Community Pledge 032017
- 17-18 - Lions Club 4th Of July Liquor License 041717
- 17-19 - Lions Club Chicken BBQ Liquor License 041717
- 17-20 - Summer Wine Walk Liquor License 041717
- 17-21 - Park Bench Dedication Policy Amendment 041717
- 17-22 - Annual Meeting Schedule Revision 041717
- 17-23 - IDOT MFT Expenses 2017 Road Program 041717
- 17-24 - Chamber Taste Of Summer Liquor License
- 17-25 - Chamber Fireworks Request 050117
- 17-26 - Legal Services Terms Of Engagement RSGS 050117
- 17-27 - 2017 Road Program Bid Award 050117
- 17-28 - Spec Event Liq Lic - Antioch Moose 061217
- 17-29 - Homecoming Parade 061217
- 17-30 - 2017 ACHS Bonfire-Fireworks 061217
- 17-31 - Centennial Park Playground Dedication 061217
- 17-32 - S B Friedman TIF Consultation 061217
- 17-33 - Tattoo License Transfer 061217
- 17-34 - Strategic Plan 2017-2020 061217
- 17-35 - StarCom21 User Agreement 061217
- 17-36 - RJL Landscaping - Village Hall Courtyard 061217
- 17-37 - RJL Hardscape Street Clock Tower 061217
- 17-38 - PNC Master Equipment Lease 061217
- 17-39 - SCADA Upgrade 071017
- 17-40 - DeMartini Retainer Agreement 071017
- 17-41 - Kunes Ford Economic Incentive Agreement 071017
- 17-42 - Fall Wine Walk Liquor License 081417
- 17-43 - Antioch Rotary Liquor License 081417
- 17-44 - St Peters Golf Outing Liquor License 081417
- 17-45 - IMRF Participation By Elected Officials 081417
- 17-46 - Skipper Buds Site Plan 081417
- 17-47 - Antioch Eye Associates Site Plan 081417
- 17-48 - St Ignatius Permit Fee Waiver 081417
- 17-49 - Redwing View Tree Planting Reimbursement 081417
- 17-50 - Lovin Oven Building Grant 081417
- 17-51 - Intent Regarding Redevelopment In Antioch Corporate Center 081417
- 17-52 - Trick Or Treat Hours 091117
- 17-53 - Annual Christmas Parade 091117
- 17-54 - Antioch Chamber Beer BBQ Walk Liquor License 091117
- 17-54 - Antioch Chamber Chocolate Champagne Liquor License 091117
- 17-56 - Approving Term Sheet For Major User Within IDI Industrial Park 091117
- 17-57 - Release Of Executive Session Minutes 091117
- 17-58 - Ratifying Retainer Of Miller Canfield As Special TIF Counsel 091117
- 17-59 - Village Administrator Plan Cord 457 ICMA 100917
- 17-60 - Lake County National Hazards Mitgation Plan 100917
- 17-61 - Sqaw Creek Wetland Credit Agreement 100917
- 17-62 - Lake County MEG Intergovernmental Agreement 100917
- 17-63 - Business Incentive Grant Agreement Lovin Oven 100917
- 17-64 - Temple Dislay Tree Lighting 100917
- 17-65 - Olsen Dev Site Plan Approval 100917
- 17-66 - Boylan Subdivision 103017
- 17-67 - Accepting Municipal Compliance Report 103017
- 17-68 - Accepting CAFR 103017
- 17-69 - Bicentennial Celebration 111317
- 17-70 - Miller Canfield Special TIF Counsel 111317
- 17-71 - Intergovermental Agreement Quiet Zone 111317
- 17-72 - General Obligation Refunding Bond Series 2013 111317
- 17-73 - Winter Wine Walk 121117
- 17-74 - 2018 Annual Meeting Schedule 121117
- 17-75 - Gallagher Risk Management Services 121117
- 17-76 - PD Records Management System IGA 121117
- 17-77 - Tyler New World Agreement 121117
- 17-78 - SMC Recertification Petition 121117
- 17-79 - Authorizing Purchase Of Trail Marker Tree 121117
- 17-80 - Accepting Roofing Proposals 121117
- 17-81 - United Methodist Church Permit Fee Waiver 121117
Commissions and Boards
Community Development
Community Vision
Connections Magazine
Emergency Management
Finance Documents
Forms And Applications
Meeting Packet Documents
Planning Documents
Police Department
Program Guides
S And I Report
Village Board
Village Board Committees
Village Clerk
Waste Water Treatment Facility
Water and Sewer Services
Water Department
- ACFR 2024