Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, Illinois

September 17, 2001
7:30 p.m.

CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by Clerk Rowe at 8:10 p.m. in the Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL.
MAYOR PRO-TEM A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Porch to appoint Trustee Dorothy Larson as Mayor Pro-Tem for the meeting. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson. Also present were Attorney Anderson and Clerk Rowe. Absent: Mayor Maravelas and Trustee Foresta.
MOMENT OF SILENCE After reciting the pledge, Mayor Pro-Tem Larson asked that everyone stand for a moment of silence for those in New York, Washington D.C. and others affected by the events that took place on September 11, 2001.
MINUTES A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Hanson to approve the minutes from the August 20, 2001 meeting as presented. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.

A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Pierce to approve the minutes from the September 4, 2001 meeting as presented. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 4; Pierce, Larson, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
PASS: 1; Caulfield.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.

SANITARY SEWER BIDS A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Pierce to place the bids opened on September 11, 2001 for the Antioch 2001 Community Development Block Grant on file. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.

After Administrator Haley reported on information he received from the village engineers. Following a brief discussion, a motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Caulfield to reject the bids received, since they were considerably higher than anticipated, and authorize the engineer to re-draft the bid specifications. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.

ECKERT CONST. A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Porch to authorize payment of $16,914.85 to Eckert Construction Company for work done on the Scout House. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
GEORGE KENNEDY A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Hanson to authorize payment of $54,849.69 to George Kennedy Construction for work done on the Hillside Lift Station. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
AUTHORIZE PAYMENT A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Pierce to authorize payment of the remaining accounts payable as prepared by the Village Treasurer. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
PRAYER VIGIL Mayor Pro-Tem Larson reviewed the memo from the department of community development regarding the Antioch Prayer Vigil being held on September 23, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. at the Brook Entertainment Center, weather permitting. If necessary due to inclement weather, the Prayer Vigil will be held at the Antioch High School. Donations will be collected for the American Red Cross and non perishable food items will be collected for a donation to Catholic Charities.
CLEAN-UP DAY Clerk Rowe announced that Clean Up Day is scheduled for Saturday, September 22, 2001. Items must be curbside for pick up by 6:00 a.m.
SWALCO Clerk Rowe reviewed the upcoming dates for SWALCO's Household Chemical Waste Collection.
TRICK OR TREAT A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Porch to designate Trick or Treat hours in the Village of Antioch to be 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on October 31, 2001. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
BETTY ENG Clerk Rowe discussed the letter received from Betty Eng, Antioch resident, concerning a request for consideration of an amendment of ordinance 150.045 regarding accessory buildings. A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Larson to place this letter of request into committee for review. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
CITIZENS Ms. Marianne Guy, White Road resident, questioned whether Neumann Homes should have the right to be heard before the Planning and Zoning Board if there is an ongoing lawsuit. Attorney Anderson indicated that Neumann Homes regardless whether they are a litigant in a proceeding against Antioch has the same right to petition the Village for a Planning and Zoning Board hearing the same as any other citizen.

It is Attorney Anderson's feeling that the petition by Neumann Homes will be considered fully and fairly, and it will be decided on its merit. Legal standards will be followed in determining whether or not the petition will be approved.

Mr. John Horan, Hillside resident, stated his concerns regarding the settlement agreement.

Mr. Bill Brandt, Miller Road resident, questioned how the plan being submitted is mitigating the lawsuit. Mr. Brandt also asked how members of A.C.R.E. is being named as co-defendants in the lawsuit. Attorney Anderson stated that this didn't occur during the time of his involvement. He is not aware of any attempt to enjoin anyone else in the lawsuit.

AGREEMENT/WESTFIELD/DISTRICT #34 A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Larson to authorize the Mayor Pro-Tem to sign the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village, School District #34 and Westfield Homes. The agreement allows for an access road to the Antioch Upper Grade School property from the far west end of the Tiffany Farms subdivision to the north side of the school property. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
PZB01-07 The following letter dated September 17, 2001 from the Planning and Zoning Board regarding the proposed zoning change from E-1 to AG with a Special Use for a Country Market; 6-acre site on North side of Rt. 173, approximately 2/3 mile East of Rt. 45; PZB01-07 was reviewed;

The Planning and Zoning Board conducted a public hearing on Thursday, September 13, 2001, following notification as required by State Law and Village Ordinance.

PRESENTATION. Mike Gantar, Attorney for the petitioner, presented proof of notification and presented the request. The property was part of an annexation that occurred in January, 2001. The parcel was automatically zoned E-1 Estate, with a provision in the annexation agreement that lot sizes be a minimum of five acres.

The proposal involves the approximately 6-acre site that consists of the old farmstead, including the vintage farmhouse, detached garage, pump house, barn, plus six storage buildings.

Ms. Tammy Pedersen proposes to conduct a small country-type market within the old farmhouse. An existing gravel drive and parking area should be more than adequate for the proposed use.

STAFF COMMENTS. As a point of clarification, Village Planner Bob Silhan inquired as to whether any part of the farmhouse would contain a residential unit. The petitioner indicated no.

Mr. Silhan presented his brief report. He indicated that the proposal is in substantial conformance to the Comprehensive Plan, to Section 150.060 (AG section) of the Zoning Ordinance, and to the terms and conditions of the annexation agreement, (Ordinance Number 01-01-06). Mr. Silhan recommends approval of the AG - Special Use, subject to the architectural style of the existing farmhouse remaining.

PUBLIC COMMENTS. There were three area residents in the audience. No one spoke in opposition to the proposal. There was concern expressed about the remaining acreage of the Pedersen farm and why it was not part of the petition to request AG zoning. Mr. Silhan indicated that the annexation agreement approved by the Village Board in January, 2001 provided for continued use of the site for agriculture, with conditions that prohibited a pig farm, mink farm, and other such objectionable uses. The current E-1 zoning will not allow for the country market proposed.

DELIBERATION AND MOTION. Bob McCarty inquired about the use of the several storage buildings. Following discussion, Don Jansky moved, Tom Baba seconded, the PZB01-07, the proposed zoning change from E-1 to AG with a Special Use for a Country Market be recommended for approval conditioned upon the garage and storage buildings not being used for the commercial use. Upon roll call vote: AYES: 6: Jansky, McCarty, F. Johnson, LaReese, Keller and Baba; NAYS: 0; ABSENT: 0. THE MOTION CARRIED.

VB MOTION A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Porch to approve the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board in their letter dated September 17, 2001 regarding the proposed zoning change from E-1 to AG with a Special Use for a Country Market; 6-Acre site on North side of Route 173, approximately 2/3 mile East of Route 45; PZB01-07, and authorizes the village attorney to draft the appropriate ordinances. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
PZB01-08 The following letter dated September 17, 2001 from the Planning and Zoning Board regarding the proposed preliminary plat of subdivision in unincorporated Lake County within 1 ½ miles of Village limits; Brighton Farm, North side of Edwards Road; Glenn Christensen, Christensen & Associate, Landscape Architects; PZB01-08 was reviewed;

The Planning and Zoning Board reviewed the proposed plat at their regular meeting of Thursday, September 13, 2001, following posting of the agenda as required by State Law.

PRESENTATION. The proposed plat was presented by Mr. Glenn Christensen. The plat indicates 6 lots with lot sizes ranging from 200,000 to 268,000 square feet. Deed restricted open space for natural resources protection consists of a total of 11.72 Acres. The existing horse stable and agricultural use will remain on the 63-Acre Outlot B. The proposal complies with the Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance. A letter dated March 1, 2001 from Mark Ring, indicating his concurrence, was included with the application materials.

STAFF COMMENTS. Village Planner Bob Silhan presented his report. Mr. Silhan indicated that the site is within an area that the Comprehensive Plan designates as Agriculture/Estate and Conservation Area for the wetland areas. The proposed plat complies with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Silhan recommends approval of the plat as presented.

MOTION. Following a brief discussion, Bob McCarty moved, Carol Keller seconded, that PZB01-08, the proposed Preliminary Plat of Subdivision be approved. Upon roll call vote: AYES: 6; Jansky, McCarty, F. Johnson, LaReese, Keller, and Baba; NAYS: 0; ABSENT: 0. THE MOTION CARRIED.

VB MOTION A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Hanson to approve the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation in their letter dated September 17, 2001 regarding the proposed preliminary plat of subdivision in unincorporated Lake County within 1 ½ miles of Village limits; Brighton Farm, North side of Edwards Road; Glenn Christensen, Christensen and Associates, Landscape Architects; PZB01-08, and authorizes the village attorney to draft the appropriate resolution. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
MANUAL CHECKS A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Pierce to approve the August manual checks as written for both the general and water and sewer accounts. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
SAFE CROSSINGS Following a brief discussion, a motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Pierce to recognize Alan Knutsen as a representative of the village concerning the Safe Crossings Committee. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
CHESTNUT STREET Mayor Pro-Tem Larson questioned the status on the striping of Chestnut Street. Administrator Haley responded that he had conversations with the street department and was told that the striping would be finished. Mr. Haley will verify if the striping on Chestnut Street was completed.
SCOUT HOUSE Mayor Pro-Tem announced that the Scouts will be hosting a rededication of the Scout House on September 23, 2001 at 3:00 p.m. The Scout House is located at 770 Cunningham Drive.
ATTORNEY Attorney Anderson reviewed the following ordinances:
01-09-27 A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Pierce to approve and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance, 01-09-27, entitled, VARIATION ORDINANCE FOR 633 (AND 639) MAIN STREET; REVISED TOWNHOUSE PLAN; CEDAR DEVELOPMENT; PZB01-05. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
VERIZON BUILDING Trustee Hanson questioned the appearance of the building being constructed by Verizon on Anita Street. Administrator Haley indicated that per his discussions with Verizon, the building is not completed. Brick veneer will be added to the building.
ADJOURN A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Caulfield to adjourn the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Candi L. Rowe, Clerk

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