Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, Illinois

October 15, 2001
7:30 p.m.

CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Maravelas at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL.
ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson. Also present were Mayor Maravelas, Attorney Anderson and Office Clerk Spiro Deligiannis. Absent: Clerk Rowe.
MINUTES A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Pierce to approve the minutes from the October 1, 2001 meeting as presented. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
PASS: 1; Caulfield.
NO: 0.
½ TON PICK UP TRUCK Trustee Hanson reviewed the bids opened on October 5, 2001 regarding the ½ ton pick up truck for public works. Trustee Hanson stated Superintendent Bill Smith reviewed the bids received and since delivery of the vehicle would not be available for nine weeks, he recommended the bids be rejected.

A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Pierce to reject the bids received on October 5, 2001 for the ½ ton pick up truck. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.

DIANE BISHOP A motion was made by Trustee Foresta, seconded by Trustee Porch to accept the letter of resignation from Diane Bishop, member of the Antioch Police and Fire Commission. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ED MACEK Trustee Larson expressed her concerns regarding replacing members of committees with men. The police and fire commission will now be comprised of all men. Trustee Larson stated that since Mayor Maravelas has taken office, he has only appointed one female and that was to the park board. There are many qualified woman in the village who would be willing to serve on committees. Trustee Porch stated that she agreed with Trustee Larson's comments.

Following discussion, a motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Hanson to appoint Ed Macek to the Police and Fire Commission, replacing Diane Bishop. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 4; Pierce, Caulfield, Foresta, Hanson.
NO: 2; Larson and Porch.

BRAD IPSEN A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Caulfield to appoint Brad Ipsen to the Planning and Zoning Board, replacing Don Jansky. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 1; Larson.

Trustee Larson stated that she is concerned with the timing of the appointment to the Planning and Zoning Board because of the extensive amount of information regarding Neumann Homes that must be reviewed. Trustee Larson stated that she didn't have a problem with the appointment, her concern relates to the amount of information he must review prior to making the decisions that must be made. There was a discussion as to whether a new member of the planning and zoning board should pass on complex items such as Neumann Homes. Attorney Anderson stated that it is up to the member to make a decision as to whether or not he is sufficiently apprized of the facts and information presented to vote. If he didn't feel that he had enough information to make a decision, he could pass or abstain.

CITIZENS Ms. Marianne Guy, White Road resident, questioned the status of the easements as far as water is concerned. Administrator Haley stated that all water and sewer easements have been secured. We are processing one, and starting condemnation on the other.

Claudette Skvarce, Antioch Township Trustee, presented a letter from the Township Board. Trustee Scott Pierce read the letter aloud as follows:

The monthly meeting of the Antioch Township Board was held on October 11, 2001. At that meeting there was a motion which was passed by the board to convey to your board the following thoughts on development in Antioch Township through the annexations to the Village of Antioch.

The Antioch Township Board advises that they would like to see strict adherence to all existing zoning ordinances, strict adherence to the comprehensive plan of the Village of Antioch and no granting of variances to developers that would in any way increase density. We would also ask you to consider using buildable acreage when determining density as opposed to total acreage for a development. This would eliminate huge clusters of homes and cut density greatly in our area where there are many wetlands that developers use to their advantage.

We all want Antioch to grow and prosper but we need to control growth wisely in order to avoid concrete and asphalt megaburb in which to live and raise our children. We hope that you will take our thoughts into consideration when you consider all future developments.

TREE PRESERVATION Trustee Pierce distributed suggested changes to the tree preservation and replacement ordinance. A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Porch to approve in principle the tree preservation and replacement ordinance amendments as presented.

Following a brief discussion, with board consensus to have the village attorney to read aloud the draft ordinance, Trustee Porch removed her second and Trustee Pierce removed his motion to approve in principle the suggested changes to the tree preservation and replacement ordinance.

BROOKS CENTER Trustee Porch discussed the William Brook Entertainment Center and the public not being allowed to bring food or beverages into the park. There was a brief discussion and Attorney Anderson suggested a number of ways to allow food and beverage in the park, such as, amend the ordinance for the entire concert series, administrative approval on a per concert basis, or provide the food and beverage prohibition remain until future ordinances to repeal it are passed.

A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Larson to suspend the prohibition of food and beverage ordinance for the 2002 Concert Series as presented. Following discussion, the motion was withdrawn to allow the village attorney to review the ordinance and to make a recommendation to the Board.

ECKERT CONST. CO. A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Larson to authorize payment of $23,451.34 to Eckert Construction Company for work done on the Scout House. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Larson, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
PASS: 1; Pierce.

Trustee Pierce asked for the total cost expended for the scout house. Administrator Haley stated that the total cost to relocate and renovate the scout house is approximately $167,000.00. Trustee Larson asked what the land was sold for. Administrator Haley said that he didn't have the exact amount but is was about $140,000.00. Trustee Larson said the Board's intention was to keep the library in the village and to preserve the scout house. Basically, it was a $30,000.00 expense to the village to keep the library in the village and preserve the scout house. Administrator Haley said those figures didn't include the cost to move the scout house. Trustee Caulfield said that he thought the previous payment was the last one for the scout house and that he is not convinced this is the last one. The point is well taken that the scout house is good for the community, but there is a serious problem on the way this project was approved and he would like work with the board so this kind of thing doesn't happen in the future.

FIRST FIRE DISTRICT A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Pierce to authorize payment of $40,225.50 to the First Fire District for the 2nd and final payment for the engine chassis. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.

Trustee Foresta asked what kind of truck this is. The last truck that he recalled authorizing the purchase for was a ladder truck which was completed a while ago. He doesn't recall this truck being approved. Administrator Haley will research when the purchase of the truck was authorized and will report back to the board.

GAMETIME A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Porch to authorize payment of $11,305.84 to Gametime for park equipment. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
THELEN A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Larson to authorize payment of $98,362.36 to Thelen for the Tiffany-Deep Lake Road Bike Path. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
CLARK DIETZ A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Porch to authorize payment of $15,828.53 to Clark Dietz, Inc. for the 2001 Street Rehab Construction. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
AUTHORIZE PAYMENT A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Foresta to authorize payment of the remaining accounts payable as prepared by the village treasurer. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
MANUAL CHECKS A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Pierce to approve as presented the September manual checks written for the general and water sewer accounts. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
FY 2001 AUDIT Administrator Haley said that since the FY 2001 Audit has not been delivered, this item will be placed on the next agenda.
PICK UP TRUCK Trustee Hanson stated that Bill Smith, Superintendent of Public Works, went to the local dealers to get bids for a pick up truck. A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Larson to approve the bid received from Raymond Chevy as distributed to the board, for purchase of the pick up truck for the public works superintendent. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
APPRECIATION LETTER Trustee Hanson read aloud the letter dated October 11, 2001 from First National Bank, employee owned, president Ted Axton. Mr. Axton commended and complimented the Antioch Police Department for their efforts during the "mock robbery training" session recently held at the bank.
POLICE DOG Police Chief Watkins introduced Officer Guttschow and police dog, Coal. Officer Guttschow and Coal recently completed a 12 week training session. The dog is trained to find drugs and gun powder residue. There was a short presentation showing the dog's capabilities for finding different drugs and a gun that was placed in the board room for demonstration purposes.
METER READER Since the superintendent is still interviewing candidates for the meter reading / maintenance position, a recommendation will be placed on the next agenda for consideration.
VERIZON Trustee Porch said the Verizon tower is up and operating. The brick is in place as the Board requested. Trustee Larson stated the fence is not yet installed and asked Administrator Haley to report back when the work would be completed.
2001 FLU SHOT CLINICS Trustee Larson reviewed the letter from the Lake County Health Department which lists the fall 2001 flu shot clinics. Antioch is scheduled to have the clinic held on November 9, 2001 at the Antioch VFW.
GIRL SCOUTS A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Hanson to approve the Girl Scouts request to conduct sales of their products October 19 - November 2; and the sale of cookies March 1 through March 17, 2002. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
TRUSTEE PIERCE Trustee Pierce briefly discussed the meeting with the senior committee meeting that he and Trustee Porch attended. The committee discussed the time frame for the expansion of the center.
A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Larson to approve and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance, 01-10-28, entitled, ORDINANCE CONCERNING PZB01-07, AG SPECIAL USE ON PEDERSEN PROPERTY, ROUTE 173, APPROXIMATELY 2/3 MILE EAST OF ROUTE 45. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.

Attorney Anderson read aloud the following ordinances:



01-10-29 Following the reading of the Tree Preservation and Replacement Ordinance, a motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Porch to approve the ordinance in principle with revisions as discussed. Trustee Porch removed her second and Trustee Pierce withdrew his motion.

A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Larson to waive the second reading of this ordinance, approve in principle and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance, 01-10-29, entitled, ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 100, TREE PRESERVATION AND REPLACEMENT with revisions as discussed. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.

EXECUTIVE SESSION A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Porch for the Mayor and Board of Trustees to go into executive session at 9:50 p.m. to discuss pending litigation. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
RETURN A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Foresta for the Mayor and Board of Trustees to return to the open meeting at 10:43 p.m. with no action taken. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Foresta, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ADJOURN A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Pierce to adjourn the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees at 10:44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Candi L. Rowe, Clerk

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