Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, Illinois

July 21, 2003
7:30 p.m.


CALL TO ORDER The public hearing regarding the Appropriation Ordinance was called to order by Mayor Maravelas at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL.
ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner. Also present were Mayor Maravelas, Attorney Long and Clerk Rowe.
PUBLIC NOTICE After Clerk Rowe read aloud the published public notice, she administered the oath for those wishing to offer testimony. The Appropriation Ordinance for the fiscal year 2003 - 2004 is in the approximate amount of $23,000,000.
TRUSTEE LARSON Trustee Larson said fund in 21-490 Capital Projects, we have land down for $2,000,000 and she is asking what land this is referring to, what is the use of the land, and how do we expect to pay for it. Mayor Maravelas said that we will pay for it with sales tax money. Trustee Larson said this is the appropriation ordinance for this fiscal year and Wal-Mart hasn’t even dug a hole yet. Mayor Maravelas said that we haven’t bought any land yet. “We felt we should appropriate the money in the event that we have the property.” Trustee Larson asked what will the land be used for. Mayor Maravelas said we purchase property for the recreation campus. Robert Silhan, Interim Administrator said that part of this is general obligation bond issue, and on the list of bills for tonight is a manual check issued earlier for the purchase of the site adjacent to water tower. Trustee Larson asked if the bond is for $800,000 and some? Robert Silhan said that was correct. She said this $2,000,000 just for land and below we have improvements, and building for $900,000. Robert Silhan said that’s correct. If you look at the budget, you will see there is no money in the budget for those two accounts, so if the money comes in, the Board has the opportunity to approve the appropriation ordinance, to spend that money. Trustee Larson said it appeared to be vague, and she’s not sure we need to spend money before we have it. She also said under Contractual Service fund 51-416, Maintenance, Utility Systems has $1,600,000 listed. She asked, Is this for the Oakwood Knolls sewer improvement? Robert Silhan said relating this to the budget that was approved, that same line item has $5,000.00 in it, that is what the village staff has the authority to spend. If you recall, there was a bill at the sewer plant, and he believes the reason why there is a rather large number here, is in anticipation of some improvements that might be required at the sewage treatment plant. Trustee Larson asked if part of this for the Oakwood Knolls sewer repairs also. Robert Silhan said it may very well be, but he’s not sure. Attorney Long said that part of the bonding money is for that, we need to set aside this in the appropriations if neither of the bonds comes in, we can spend the money, depending on how the bonds come out, we may either have enough money to do Oakwood Knolls by itself or possibly some additional improvements at that sewer plant. Trustee Larson said is it either or? Attorney Long said Oakwood Knolls comes first because it’s an existing lawsuit that says we have to do that. We also are still in the process of resolving some issues on Filweber Court, and we have yet to get final dollar figures on that. That is set aside for as well. He said, This is where the or comes in. Trustee Larson asked if this will be paid for primarily out of the sewer and water rate? Attorney Long said that we’re anticipating to get it from the bonding. Trustee Larson said in Capital Outlay Fund 52-491 building $10,000 and 52-492 Improvements and Other Buildings, $30,000 and in Equipment, $50,000. She asked why haven’t we allocated more to this when we know that we’re about at capacity on that and we’re going to need work on the treatment plant for certain. Shouldn’t that be a number one priority? Attorney Long said from a lawyers standpoint, his number one priority, is the lawsuit. Mayor Maravelas asked Staff Engineer Jim Keim. Mr. Keim responded that July 31 is in the original order.
TRUSTEE TURNER Trustee Turner referred to item Trustee Larson mentioned, regarding the land, she asked if we’re not going to have any bond principle, just sales tax? Mayor Maravelas said it’s just sale tax, yes.
TRUSTEE CAULFIELD Trustee Caulfield asked Interim Administrator Bob Silhan to review his memo dated July 17, 2003 based on the Finance Committee, Village Treasurer and his review of the draft appropriation ordinance. The July 17 memo indicates revisions that were in included that is before the Board tonight with a grand total $22,964,400. Since that draft ordinance came out there were service charges that we received from one of the banks that didn’t fit neatly in the budget or the appropriation ordinance, so he’s suggesting that account 10 Administrative Department, 10-438 Other Professional Services, be reduced by $2,000 to $98,000 and that Fund 10-444 Service Charges, be increased by $2,000 to $2,500.
TRUSTEE PIERCE Trustee Pierce asked, “We already have an operating budget that we’re operating under, correct? Attorney Long said yes. Trustee Pierce said that we’re required by law to do appropriation ordinance to appropriate any money that is spent under the budget. Attorney Long said that’s correct. Trustee Pierce said that we plan for the year under the budget, the appropriation ordinance enables us to do that. Attorney Long said that’s correct. Trustee Pierce said that it’s prudent for anything we do plan for above and beyond what we budgeted for in case there’s other things that come up. Attorney Long said that is standard procedure and it’s typically 15% over the budget. Trustee Pierce said that he just wanted to make sure that the appropriation ordinance isn’t authorizing things, but it’s through the budget that we’ve authorized things under. Attorney Long said that is accurate.
CLOSE HEARING Mayor Maravelas asked if there were any more questions. Hearing none, a motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Hanson to close the public hearing regarding the FY2003-2004 Appropriation Ordinance at 7:45 p.m. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


REGULAR MEETING A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Porch to open the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees at 7:46 p.m. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Maravelas at 7:46 p.m. in the Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL.
ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner. Also present were Mayor Maravelas, Attorney Long and Clerk Rowe.
2003 STREET PROGRAM A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Hanson to accept into record the following bids received on July 7. 2003 at 11:00 a.m. for the 2003 Street Improvement:

Bidder Amount
Curran Contraction Co. $565,303.73
Peter Baker $597,174.20
Payne & Dolan Inc. $467,967.50

The engineers opinion of probable cost: $511,025.70. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


MICHAEL GLINIEWICZ On behalf of the Village of Antioch, Antioch Fire Department and the First Fire District, Clerk Rowe read aloud and presented Antioch Firefighter Michael Gliniewicz with a commendation for his extraordinary actions taken at a auto accident located near Grass Lake Road and Ackerman Drive.
HIRING PROCEDURES Trustee Pierce said this year we were in the process of filling positions in the front hall and other facilities throughout the village. He said some had authorization to hire and some didn’t have authorization to hire without Village Board approval. Trustee Pierce said that he thinks if a position is available in the village, below the department head level, that the department heads should have the authority to hire those individuals. He said anyone above the department head level should be hired by the Village Board. Trustee Pierce would like to recommend to approve changing the policy so all department heads have the authority to hire within their departments and then make a report afterward as to who they hired.

A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Larson to authorize department heads to have the authority hire individuals within their department and make a report to the village board afterward. Positions at the department head level or above will hired by the Village Board.

Trustee Turner thinks this a good idea. Trustee Larson asked if we could put something in regarding the salary ranges dependant on their experience. Trustee Pierce said he would amend his motion. Trustee Larson amended her second to include within normal salary ranges within the wage policy guidelines. Trustee Porch agrees that this is a good idea and she thinks it would be beneficial for us when we hire a village administrator, they may make further recommendations regarding employee policy changes. Trustee Hanson said that he believes that both of his committees have shown that policy all along.

On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


DONALD SKIDMORE Clerk Rowe read aloud the letter of resignation, dated May 28, 2003 from Donald Skidmore, Chairman of the Redevelopment Commission. A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Porch to accept Donald Skidmore’s letter resigning from the Redevelopment Commission with regret. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


PETE LEZEAU A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Porch to appoint Pete Lezeau as Chairman to Redevelopment Commission. Mr. Lezeau has been a member of the Commission since 1991. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


DOWNTOWN MANAGER A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Porch to authorize the advertisement for an Economic Development Specialist - Downtown Manager.

Trustee Porch asked if this recommendation is based on the memo dated July 10, 2003 from Bob Silhan, Interim Administrator. Trustee Porch said that she agrees we need an economic development director, but there are things in the memo that we should discuss, such as salary range. Trustee Porch said that she doesn’t feel ready to advertise for the position and we should put it in committee. Trustee Caulfield said that he thinks we should discuss this in committee, and that he’s not prepared to vote favorably on this. Trustee Larson said, the duties and what department head this person would report to hasn’t been discussed. Mayor Maravelas said all we’re asking for is to advertise. Both Trustee Larson and Trustee Porch said they understand that, but they believe we’re not ready to advertise yet. Trustee Larson said that the qualifications, duties and so on, she just saw this tonight before we came in, and she doesn’t know who had input into this document.

Following discussion, Trustee Porch withdrew her second and Trustee Pierce removed his motion.

MOTION TO TABLE Following further discussion, a motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Caulfield to table the discussion regarding the authorization to advertise for Economic Development Specialist - Downtown Manager to a Committee of the Whole meeting at on August 6, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


MARC LUBKEMAN A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Turner to appoint Marc Lubkeman as member to the Redevelopment Commission. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


ROBERT SILHAN A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Caulfield to re-appoint Robert Silhan as Interim Administrator until August 18, 2003. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


TRUSTEE LARSON Trustee Larson asked why Roger Sorensen’s letter of resignation was not on the agenda. Mayor Maravelas said that it will be placed on the next agenda.
SWALCO Clerk Rowe reviewed the SWALCO Bulletin Household Chemical Waste Collection dates for the months of August and September 2003. Collection dates are as follows: August 9 - Round Lake Beach Metra Station; September 6 - Lake Forest Municipal Service Center; September 20 - Grayslake College of Lake County Parking Lot 6.
CITIZENS Mayor Maravelas recognized those citizens wishing to address the Board.
JIM LaFONTAINE Rollie Schleusner, Jim LaFontaine and Don Skidmore, members of the Antioch Clock Tower Committee were present to update the Board on the status of the clock tower. Mr. LaFontaine distributed the Antioch Clock Tower 2003 Factoid for the Village Board’s review. Mr. LaFontaine said there are three purposes for their presentation tonight. 1. Update the Village Board on the status of project; 2. Seek concurrence from the Village Board to use the Village’s tax exempt number, and to get it on their checking account so they don’t have to pay taxes for this project; and 3. Seek concurrence on the location. Mr. LaFontaine reported that the Clock Tower Committee has been up and functioning since February 2003. Members include; Roland Schleusner, Jim LaFontaine, Don Skidmore, Heidi Moseley and Mayor Maravelas. He said that Mr. Jack Fields participated for a while and he encourages him to come back in with them. The estimated cost for procurement and construction is $225,000. The Committee is looking to raise that money from local companies, organizations and individuals. The intent is to use that money to build the clock tower and any extra funds would be turned over to the Village for a maintenance fund. Seater Construction Company will provide construction and project management. Mr. LaFontaine said they are in the process of setting up the checking account at the First National Bank, this the account that needs the tax exempt number. All payments on the clock will be made from that account. The treasurer of that account is Jim LaFontaine. Funds over $10,000 will require two signatures, Mr. LaFontaine and Dr. Skidmore. He said, their intent is a full accounting will be kept current and will be available at every committee meeting. The committee meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. The committee selected the location in front of village hall. This location requires three trees removed and a slight relocation of the War Memorial and Flag pole. The committee looked at locations throughout the village. Mayor Maravelas asked Mr. LaFontaine who was involved in finding the site. Mr. LaFontaine named all committee members, including Jack Fields, except the Mayor. Mr. Rollie Schleusener briefly discussed the clock and why the location near Village Hall was chosen. Trustee Larson expressed her concern over the site, moving a War Memorial and removing three trees concerns her. Trustee Pierce asked if the Methodist Church tower was taken into account when picking the location. Will it block view of the Church steeple? Don Skidmore reported that they have raised to date $100,000. The committee expressed concerned regarding soliciting for donations without the checking account being established, and that soliciting for funds is difficult without a determined location. Trustee Pierce said that he thinks this is a wonderful idea, but he is concerned with the location. The Pittman property may be more conducive for the tower. Trustee Porch said she would hate to detract from the Church. Members of the Village Board stated they think the clock tower is a wonderful project, but they would like to discuss the location further. Mayor Maravelas said that village hall is the center of town and he recommends this location, it will enhance our downtown area. He recommends with the committee the Village Hall location. Following further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to have the Village Attorney review and give his opinion regarding the village’s tax exempt number and account, and to table the discussion on the location until the Route 83 Corridor Study. Mr. LaFontaine will continue to send minutes from their meeting and will work with the Village Attorney regarding the tax exempt number.
JACK FIELDS Mr. Jack Fields, Asbury Court resident, asked the Mayor how does a citizen address the board. Are they required to be placed on the agenda or can they be called on the floor? Mayor Maravelas said that it’s the Mayor’s choice. Mr. Fields said that he has requested minutes from village hall and the last approved was February. He has a problem with the minutes not being done and he doesn’t know what needs to be done to get the minutes done. Mr. Fields said he doesn’t think this is in the best interest of the village. Mr. Fields said that he was glad the economic development position was on the agenda. He has three buildings in town up on the market. He has a lot of people calling him and asking where they need to turn to and he’s directed them to the Mayor. He thinks at this point, in this town with the economic development, it’s imperative to put someone in place in that position.

Mr. Fields questioned the acceptance of the last Administrator, Mike Haley’s resignation. Mr. Fields was at the meeting, he heard the letter that was read, and no where in the letter did he say why he was resigning. Mr. Fields asked Mr. Haley if any of the Trustees called him up and asked about it. He said not one person tried to contact Mike Haley to ask him why he resign. Mr. Fields said that a resignation does not have to be accepted and he questions if the Board feels it’s in the best interest for the citizens of Antioch to not have someone in that position, running the day to day operations of the town. He went on to say that he has nothing against Bob Silhan, they’ve worked on several projects together, but he sees that he is being re-appointed for another thirty days. Mr. Fields said that he believes the Village Administrator position should be filled. He also questioned the resignation of many committee members who are resigning after several years of serving. He asked the Village Board to ask the people why they’re resigning and ask them what’s going on. It doesn’t look good for Antioch. There has been talk about communication, both internal and external, Mr. Fields said the Board needs to talk to these people and find out why they’re resigning. Mr. Fields questioned the hiring of watershed specialist that is listed later on the agenda. He said he’s dealt with the storm water management commission, he said there is a question whether storm water management even has the authority to deal with Sequoit Creek or whether it’s the Army Corp. He said, whether we approve it or not, if we’re planning on spending $5000, he would research into it, talk to Lake County Board member Judi Maritni and find out whether storm water management is even going to have the approval.

JOHN HORAN John Horan, Hillside resident, said that he is still doesn’t understand how a citizen can approach the Board. Do they have to placed on the agenda or not? Attorney Bob Long said it is the inherent power of the Board to limit some discussion so they can finish the business that they need to finish within that time frame. Mr. Horan asked if there’s going to be public comment at every meeting. Attorney Long said yes and the Chairman sets the agenda.
RT. 173 CORRIDOR Robert Silhan, Interim Administrator, gave a brief update regarding the Route 173 Corridor Study. He said there was a meeting before the Planning and Zoning Board on July 10 where they went through some boards relative to case material on environmental and questions about land use. Valerie Kretchmer gave an excellent presentation on the limitations of the market that we see out on the Route 173 corridor. The material that was presented is on the Village’s web site at They are still looking toward a September 10 or September 17 Planning and Zoning Board meeting and then we will ask that the Village Board, as we go along, earmark September 29 as a possible special Board meeting date.
RT. 83 CORRIDOR Senior Planner George Sakas reviewed his memo dated July 21, 2003 regarding the Antioch Downtown and Route 83 Corridor Redevelopment Plan with a kick-off date of October 1, 2003.
BUILDING INSPECTOR Robert Silhan reported that he received applications and interviewed for the temporary full-time building inspector position. He said their top choice accepted a full time position elsewhere, but he indicated that he was available for afternoon work. Mr. Silhan, said quite frankly, some of the building activity is not as extensive as he thought it might be at this point, Neumann Homes isn’t moving along quite as quickly they (or he) thought they would. As result, he asked Mark Fini, begin work as the temporary part-time building inspector. Mr. Fini will be available in the afternoon, from about 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Although the building department closes at 4:00 p.m. that additional hour might help with a lot of other services calls, including local residents, who might need a little extra help.
TRUSTEE TURNER Trustee Turner distributed and read aloud the Resolution declaring the intent of the Antioch Village Board as it meets the needs of community growth which would adopt the policy: “With the exception of running for reelection or running for any other elected office within the Village of Antioch, it is the policy of the Village of Antioch that no elected official, upon the vacancy of their offices, whether it be voluntary or expired terms, work for the Village of Antioch in any capacity in any existing or newly created positions of the Village of Antioch for a minimum of three years after holding office.”
R03-19 A motion was made by Trustee Turner, seconded by Trustee Larson to approve Resolution No. R03-19, entitled, Resolution Declaring the Intent of the Antioch Village Board as it meets the needs of community growth.

Attorney Long noted that if this is going to have binding affect, it would have to be done by changing the ordinance. He wasn’t commenting on the policy, but if it’s going to be made permanent it should be codified. Trustee Hanson said this the second time Village Board members have created resolutions and in the future we should refer to staff such as the Village Attorney draft these documents. Trustee Turner said that she believes there’s a perception of the community that they’re not being informed and she wants the residents to know that she has no intention of dissolving jobs and creating jobs they can fill. Mayor Maravelas said in other words each Board member wants to create a “coup de tait”. Trustee Caulfield suggests just because someone states that the public doesn’t feel comfortable with the Board and doesn’t have communication, doesn’t mean that is indeed the case. He thinks there is an overabundance of folks, for some reason, who like to write things, hoping other people will read them and make that policy or public opinion. He said that he has no problem with the resolution, he doesn’t concur that there’s no open communication with the Board. Trustee Larson, said this resolution just reinforces it. Trustee Caulfield said this is perpetuated by a select few individuals and he doesn’t think that is the case. Mayor Maravelas said again this is creating a coup de tait. Trustee Hanson said he doesn’t understand the resolution. We communicate with people everyday. Trustee Porch asked if the village ever hired an ex-elected official. Trustee Larson said the concern is we have dissolved departments and we have let people go, now we as sitting board members, create the job description, set the benefit and salary and we just want the public to be reassured that we’re not interested in stepping into those positions. Mayor Maravelas said the public is more assured today than ever before. We have a village that works and pays it bills, we hired more people, more public works, more police. Trustee Pierce said that Trustee Larson stated positions dissolved and people resigned, some people, he wanted it clarified have chosen to leave on their own at no urging by this administration, a blanket statement that village is running everyone out of town, is not a correct statement. He said there are things that are working in this village. He also said that he thinks it’s a good idea, not necessarily a communication issue. Trustee Pierce discussed rules and policies to follow at Board meetings they tried to establish a year or so ago, and there were letters saying that we were mean and nasty, and today the public is asking for procedure on how to address the Board. We do get out in the community and communicate. Trustee Hanson doesn’t agree with the resolution. What if there was a really qualified person sitting on the Board, and we’re making a policy that they couldn’t apply. Trustee Porch used an analogy using former Police Chief Watkins and Chief Fagan as the example. If former Chief Watkins lived in the Village and was elected Trustee, and then Chief Fagan resigned, we couldn’t appoint Former Chief Watkins for three years after his term. Trustee Turner indicated that is correct.

On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Turner.

NO: 3; Porch, Hanson and *Mayor Maravelas.


*For the record, Mayor Maravelas elected to vote against this resolution, although he was not required to vote.

TRUSTEE PORCH Trustee Porch reported that the July 4th and Department Special Events held a very successful 4th of July day. The FridayFest program is going along nicely. On behalf of the Chamber of Commerce she thanked the village for their assistance during the Taste of Summer. Mayor Maravelas commended the Chamber of Commerce for an excellent Taste of Summer.

Trustee Porch asked about procedure and policies regarding openings on the Planning and Zoning Board and Park Commission, she asked, these are appointed positions, correct? Mayor Maravelas said that was correct. She asked if it’s been a past policy that the Mayor go to the Board and ask them for recommendations to fill these vacancies, or does the Mayor select those to fill the vacancies. Attorney Long said the Mayor is under no obligation in the power of his appointments. Trustee Porch said that Mayor tried to increase communication to the Redevelopment Commission when appointments are being made. She said she called Dr. Skidmore to make him aware these items were on the agenda and that Mayor Maravelas assigned Redevelopment as a standing committee of the Village Board of Trustees.

SMITH ENGINEERING Staff Engineer Jim Keim reviewed his memorandum dated July 17, 2003 regarding June invoices from Smith Engineering. Trustee Caulfield asked what the EFPA Water construction is about. Jim Keim said that the EFPA water project is the water main being built to Neumann. It will be the largest operating water main in the Village. Trustee Caulfield asked if this is just a payment. Jim Keim said yes it is, Smith is contracted for the observation of that project. Trustee Caulfield had a question regarding the 173 Corridor Study, what percentage or what part of that study does this invoice cover. Jim Keim said we’re about halfway through and he made note there are some large numbers on the memo, and he asked the Board members to keep in mind we’re doing some very large projects at this time.

Trustee Pierce asked if this memo should be under the engineering committee. Staff Engineer Jim Keim said this memo is in response to a request to provide information to the Board regarding where the money is being spent. Jim Keim said that he will do whatever the Board wishes and place it under any committee they would like. Trustee Caulfield said that he did not ask for this report, it was provided to him by the past administrator to answer some questions he had regarding engineering invoices. Jim Keim said that he was asked to provide this report to the Board on a monthly basis. The board indicated they would like Staff Engineer Jim Keim to continue providing the report.

CD #57690 Trustee Caulfield said that the agenda states authorization rolling Project Fund CD #57690 in the amount of $500,000 for 180 days at an interest rate of 1.300%. Trustee Caulfield said that he received a last minute update and the money will be deposited in the general account for the 2003 Road Program.

A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Hanson to deposit the money from CD#57690 into the general fund for use for the 2003 Road Program. This motion includes Trustee Caulfield’s direction to keep the money in the general account under the project fund as it is currently listed.

Staff engineer said he’s not sure which account the money should be deposited in, this is a MFT project. He could have an answer in the morning. Trustee Caulfield said the money is staying in the general fund, in the same line item (project fund) that it’s listed in now.

On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


CD #36719 A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Hanson to authorize rolling Sewer and Water Bond Reserve CD#36719 for 180 days in the amount of $25,000 at an interest rate of 1.15%. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


ILLINOIS EPA A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Porch to authorize payment of $17,500.00 to IEPA for permit #IL0020354. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


SMITH ENGINEERING A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Pierce to authorize payment of $30,661.54 to Smith Engineering for the 2003 Road Program. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Turner to authorize payment of $24,347.58 to Smith Engineering for the Route 173 Corridor Study. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Porch to authorize payment of $10,533.15 to Smith Engineering fo the EFPA Water, Escrow Account. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


AUTHORIZE PAYMENT A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Porch to authorize payment of the remaining accounts payable as prepared by the Village Treasurer.

On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


MANUAL CHECKS A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Porch to approve the manual checks written to date for the Water and Sewer ($46,567.04), Payroll ($15,885.67), Dolly Spiering Fund ($3239.76 - as corrected), General ($321,042.49), Police Pension Fund ($300,000.00) and the Capitol Project Fund ($19,619.87) as corrected. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


TRUSTEE CAULFIELD Trustee Caulfield said at the last finance meeting, he and Interim Administrator Silhan discussed implementing a purchase order program in the future to help ensure that the Village is getting the best value for the dollar.
03-07-27 A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Porch to approve and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance, 03-07-27, entitled, ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE, that includes the changes outlined during the public hearing, the July 17, 2003 memo from Robert Silhan and the changes to fund 10-438 and 10-444. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


TABLE GENERALLY A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Pierce to table generally the expenditure of $25,000 to the Antioch Clock Tower Fund. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


TREASURER REPORT Trustee Caulfield said that he is aware that there hasn’t been a Treasurer Report for the last two months due to the heavy workload in the office. This is not an oversight, they’re just not here yet.
RECESS The Mayor and Board of Trustees recessed the regular meeting at 9:40 p.m. and resumed the meeting at 9:50 p.m.
CHIEF FAGAN Police Chief Fagan reported after a two week investigation they conducted a search warrant at 660 Garys Drive and they confiscated 20lbs of marijuana and $3500 in cash and controlled substances. Mayor Maravelas congratulated the Antioch Police Department on their hard work on this investigation.
FIRE ROSTER After review of the letter dated July 11, 2003 from Fire Chief Volling, a motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Porch to place the following names on the roster of the Antioch Fire Department/First Fire District as probationary members: Nathan Carden, John Ginter, Jim Lanahan, Clint Ludden, Michael Mackey, Ryan Nowakowski and Alan Springer. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


PART-TIME CSO’s After Trustee Hanson reviewed the interview process and he thanked Chief Fagan for the communication, a motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Pierce, to authorize hiring Peter Montividas and James Golden as part-time CSO’s for the Antioch Police Department.

Trustee Pierce said that he didn’t think we needed this motion since earlier we authorized department heads to hire staff. Attorney Long said that until we have a formal ordinance that establishes that the department head can have full hire and fire, the power to hire and fire will remain with the Board. Trustee Caulfield asked if CSO’s are hired through the Police and Fire Commission. Attorney Long said they are civilian employees.

On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


SQUAD CARS A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Pierce to reject the bids accepted into the record at the June 9, 2003 Village Board regarding the lease or purchase of two (2) new police cars. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


Chief Fagan said that he would like to implement a vehicle rotation program, the opportunity to bid for 2004 cars and also to give the local vendors the opportunity to bid. Trustee Caulfield said that for the record we are rebidding because of the specs.

A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Pierce to authorize the advertisement for bid for the lease or purchase of two (2) squad cars. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


ROBERT SILHAN Robert Silhan said the Attorney indicated (during the CSO agenda item) that until we establish a department head hiring policy by ordinance, employees are hired by the Board, does that mean that back in the Planning, Zoning and Building report we should have made a motion to hire the part time building inspector?

Attorney Long said, no, he was talking about ratifying the hiring. You have the power to hire them, but the hiring has to be ratified because under the current code, they’re treated as appointees. Essentially, what the Board has just done is to allow the power of appointment to department heads. So, you make the appointment and then it gets ratified.

BLOCK PARTY A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Hanson to approve the Block Party requests for the Tiffany Farms Subdivision; Meridian Way and the intersection of Picadilly and Turnburry Lane - August 9, 2003 and Pine Hill Lakes Subdivision ; Deer Court - July 26, 2003. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


PARK PERMITS A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Turner to issue park permits to Barbara Larson - Williams Park - August 10, 2003 and Jeanne Looze - Pedersen Park - August 16, 2003. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


TRUSTEE LARSON Trustee Larson announced that the 9 and 10 year old Girls Softball Champs from 2002 are hosting the District games this year. The 12 year old boys have one more game before going to State.

Trustee Larson updated the Board regarding the Combined Township/ Village park. She heard last week the Township signed the contract to purchase the land off Grass Lake Road. The State will be coming out to look at the park site and there’s a good indication that the grant money will be transferred to that property. Mayor Maravelas asked if the high school would like to participate in partnership with the park? Trustee Larson said that she was at Township meeting a couple of months ago and they expressed ( the Landfill property) if they didn’t enter into an agreement, simply because the land is adjacent to each other, that there may be shared uses, such as a road. Trustee Larson said that although this is premature because it hasn’t been completely planned out yet, she doesn’t have any objections to that.

PAYNE & DOLAN A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Larson to award the contract to Payne and Dolan, Inc. for their low bid of $467,967.50 for the 2003 Road Program. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


MFT RESOLUTION R03-20 A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Turner to approve the MFT Resolution R03-20, entitled, Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality under the Illinois Highway Code. This resolution reconciles and closes the 1999 Street Maintenance Program. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


SMITH ENG. CONTRACT A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Turner to approve the Smith Engineering Proposal/Agreement for Engineering Services, Facility Planning Area Review and Amendment in the amount of $35,345.00.

Staff Engineer Jim Keim said this contract originated under the previous Administrator Haley and what this proposal is to do preliminary work that will enable us to gain funding for sewerage plant expansion as redefine our facility area. Trustee Caulfield asked about the number of contracts with Smith Engineering. Do we have an ongoing process to interviewing other contractors besides Smith Engineering. Jim Keim said we don’t have a policy or program at this point, this particular contract was originated by the previous Administrator, he asked for this proposal. Jim Keim went on to say that he does solicit proposals from several companies, such as with the SCADA company and we will do the same on other projects.

On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.

NO: 0.


WATERSHED SPECIALIST Trustee Pierce discussed the August 13, 2003 Lake County Stormwater Management Commission (SMC) public hearing regarding Sequoit Creek Watershed Management Plan. Trustee Pierce said that he feels it’s important the Village be proactive and hire a watershed specialist because this could have a significant impact on the business and residents of Antioch.

A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Turner to authorize the Village Engineer to interview and hire a watershed specialist to analyze the Sequoit Creek Watershed Management Plan and provide recommendations to the Village, cost not to exceed $5,000.00.

Trustee Caulfield said earlier tonight someone in the audience addressed this issue and he doesn’t know what was discussed. Staff Engineer Jim Keim said the question is whether or not the Stormwater Management Commission has the authority to commission this kind of study. He read from SMC report on page 1-2. He is proceeding under the belief that they are authorized to do this, they’ve done this in other communities and he thinks we need to take a very close look at this plan and what it means to the village. There are a number of recommendations, conclusions, objectives, in short, the goal of this study is to reduce runoff and improve water quality in the Sequoit Watershed, minimize flood damages, improve education and outreach and to protect and restore natural resources. This potentially has a big impact to the village in terms of future economic development in the village and existing village residents being affected by this.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.
NO: 0.


A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Porch to table generally the authorization of the $20,000 expenditure from the Antioch Senior Advisory Council to the Antioch Clock Tower Fund.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.
NO: 0.

FEES/ESCROW Senior Planner George Sakas reviewed his memo dated July 17, 2003 regarding building code revision pertaining to sited development. Mr. Sakas memo included site development definitions and sections, plan submission and review and non-refundable fees and escrow deposits. This is an informational report. Trustees may contact Mr. Sakas with any questions they may have.
LAKE STREET Staff Engineer Jim Keim updated the Board regarding the Water Tower in Heron Harbor and the Lake Street improvement and sidewalk. Mr. Keim said the specialty valve to control the water tower has been installed, and he believes the vault around the structure has been constructed. He thinks it will be operating soon. Public Works Superintendent has been working very diligently on it. Regarding Lake Street, Mr. Keim said that he has contacted a property owner and is working with the Village Attorney to try to acquire the land. Attorney Long said that Mr. Keim is telling you there is nowhere to route the sidewalk through the existing right-of-way and we couldn’t voluntary undertaking from all the landowners. Jim Keim said that’s the reason there hasn’t been a sidewalk there all along. There is no certified right-of-way there, we need to acquire land.
ATTORNEY Village Attorney Bob Long reviewed the following ordinances:
MOTION TO TABLE A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Caulfield to table the discussion regarding the Ordinance approving Final Plat for GLP - Wal-Mart Phase I in view of the letter we received regarding the IEPA meeting scheduled on August 4.

Trustee Porch asked if it would be appropriate to not vote on this tonight because of the scheduled meeting by IEPA regarding impact of the Wal-Mart development on the Sequoit watershed. Trustee Caulfield said that as he understands this, it’s not something that would potentially change the direction of this development it’s just a matter of how to deal with a particular runoff. Attorney Long said that appears that is what this meeting is about. Trustee Pierce said he doesn’t believe this should be tabled and that we should proceed forward. Interim Administrator Silhan said he believes it’s a not a matter if but when the IEPA permit is approved. Trustee Caulfield said if we pass and approve this ordinance tonight, the fact that the permit has not been approved, it can’t proceed without the permit, correct? Attorney Long said it can’t proceed without the permit and it can’t proceed without final plat.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 2; Porch and Hanson.
NO: 4; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield and Turner.


A motion was made by Trustee Pierce seconded by Trustee Turner to waive the second reading, approve and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance, 03-07-28, entitled, ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR GLP - PHASE I WAL-MART FINAL PLAT; PZB03-06.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 4; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield and Turner.
NO: 2; Porch and Hanson.


A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Turner to waive the second reading, approve and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance, 03-07-29, entitled, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF AN ANNEXATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN KENNEDY HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND THE VILLAGE OF ANTIOCH, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS; FILE NO. PZB03-04.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.
NO: 0.


A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Caulfield to waive the second reading, approve and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance, 03-07-30, entitled, AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF ANTIOCH TOWNSHIP SECTION 6 TO THE VILLAGE OF ANTIOCH, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS; FILE NO. PZB03-04.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.
NO: 0.


A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Turner to waive the second reading, approve and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance, 03-07-31, entitled, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING REIMBURSEMENT OF FUNDS EXPENDED BY KENNEDY HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP FOR THE EXTENSION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS; FILE NO. PZB03-04.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.
NO: 0.


A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Turner to waive the second reading, approve and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance, 03-07-32, entitled, ORDINANCE APPROVING A ZONING CHANGE AT KENNEDY FARM’ TREVOR CREEK PROPOSED SUBDIVISION; FILE NO. PZB03-04.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.
NO: 0.


A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Turner to waive the second reading, approve and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance, 03-07-33, entitled, ORDINANCE APPROVING SUBDIVISION OF THE “PEAVEY/HERMAN’ PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF ANTIOCH TOWNSHIP SECTION 6; FILE NO. PZB03-04.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.
NO: 0.


A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Larson to waive the second reading, approve and publish in pamphlet form, an ordinance, 03-07-34, entitled, ORDINANCE APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE RE-SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 4 THROUGH 20 IN ANTIOCH HILLS SUBDIVISION; (W ½ Sec. 17 T46N, R10E) BUENA TERRACE; PZB02-15.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.
NO: 0.

First Reading: Ordinance regarding 44-Acre Village-owned part of former HOD landfill; zoning change from M-2, R-5, and R-4 to OS, Open Space with a Special Use, PZB03-07. This ordinance will be placed on the next agenda for consideration.

A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Pierce for the Mayor and Board of Trustees to go into executive session at 11:00 p.m. to discuss personnel.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.
NO: 0.


A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Larson for the Mayo and Board of Trustees to return from executive session and resume the regular meeting at 11:31 p.m. with no action taken.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner.
NO: 0.

ADJOURN A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Caulfield to adjourn the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees at 11:31 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,


Candi L. Rowe, Clerk
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