Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, Illinois

January 20, 2004

CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Maravelas at 7:32 p.m. in the Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL.
ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner. Also present were Mayor Maravelas, Attorney Long and Temporary Clerk Deligiannis.
MINUTES 1/5/2004 A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Hanson to approve the minutes from the January 5, 2004 meeting with the following correction:

Trustee Caulfield stated that on page 4500, 4th paragraph under TRUSTEE TURNER; ...He said that it’s sometimes sad...

Trustee Larson stated that there were no committee reports in the minutes and doesn’t think they can approve these minutes without them.

Attorney Long suggests that approval of the minutes be tabled until the next meeting. Mayor Maravelas tables approval of the minutes until the next meeting.

APPOINTMENT OF VILLAGE CLERK AMY MONROE A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Porch to appoint Amy Monroe as Village Clerk. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson, Turner.
NO: 0

Mayor Maravelas introduced and welcomed Amy Monroe as the new Village Clerk with congratulations from all the trustees.

MEMORADIUM OF UNDERSTANDING - RTE 173 CORRIDOR COUNCIL George Sakas, Senior Planner described the Memorandum of Understanding as a year long effort with many meetings between mayors and between village staff planners. The participants include Antioch, Old Mill Creek, Wadsworth, Zion and the Chairman of the Lake County Board. Senior Planner Sakas stated that the MOU sets up a Corridor Planning Council. He sees no objections to the provisions in the MOU and went through sections 1-6 to outline those provisions. He continued to say that he believes in the MOU and that he sees no red flags at this time.

Trustee Pierce wanted to clarify the planning area. Senior Planner described the planning area as North of Kelly Road to the state line east of 1/4 mile west of Route 45 (the Doolittle property) east to Green Bay Road. Trustee Pierce had a question about section number 5 regarding additional studies. He stated that nothing is said about the funding of any additional studies.

Senior Planner Sakas stated that any funding on the Village’s part would depend on the type of study. If the study affects Antioch directly, the Village could commit more money to it.

Attorney Bob Long stated that nothing obligates the village to fund anything.

Senior Planner Sakas added that the village would not even have to abide with whatever findings a study would provide. Trustee Turner asked whether this MOU limits the village. Attorney Long stated that it does not. All the MOU does is provide a vehicle of discussion between the municipalities so that an overall plan can be developed. A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Turner, to approve the Memorandum of Understanding. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson, Turner.
NO: 0.

CITIZENS John Horan, 786 Hillside Avenue stated that citizens have not been given a chance to review the report prepared by Goldberg, Mechales, Charneske & Schiffman, Ltd. Mayor Maravelas asked Mr. Horan if he could hold his comments until the discussion comes up under the Finance Committee’s section on the agenda. Mr. Horan concurred.

Lake County Board Member Judy Martini, 42812 Jannette Street, stated she was contacted by Antioch Police Chief Charles Fagan in regards to entering into an intergovernmental agreement with Lake County for the village to utilize a Reverse 911 system. After looking into it, she stated that the State’s Attorney has drafted a sample intergovernmental agreement. It’s coming to the Lake County Board’s Law and Judicial Committee Meeting on February 2, 2004 at 11:00 a.m. It will be at the Lake County Courthouse Building, 10th Floor at 18 N. County Street in Waukegan. She stated that she hopes the village has a representative there to support this issue. She stated that the
Reverse 911 system has the capability to call thousands of numbers to alert people of natural disasters, terrorist strikes etc. She also said that it is a useful tool in checking up on the Seniors in the community.

ROUTE 83 CORRIDOR Village Administrator Alan Probst updated the trustees on the current status of the Route 83 Corridor Study. Administrator Probst stated that the study is on hold pending funding. There is a $90,000 dollar IDOT grant applied for and have made contacts to see where that stands. Administrator Probst recommends to hold on to the contract and sign it after the grant comes through. Trustee Larson asked if we would continue if the grant does not come through. Trustee Pierce stated that in the future the Village Board should decide when to put something of this importance on hold.

Trustee Pierce stated the Village Board needs to remain committed to the Route 83 Corridor Study and to the west side study and if the money is not forthcoming, to find other ways to make it happen. Trustee Turner agreed. Trustee Caulfield asked if this was not a way for the Administrator to make the Board aware of the situation. He further stated that the Board could direct him to move forward if the Board so decides. Mayor Maravelas recommended to put the project on hold for thirty days while awaiting funding and to look for alternate sources of funding in the meantime. Mayor Maravelas stated that in thirty days the Board would like a report ready.

EXECUTIVE SESSION Trustee Porch asked that the scheduled Executive Session to discuss personnel be placed at the end of the Agenda. Mayor Maravelas agreed.
GMCS LTD. A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Hanson to authorize payment of $18,241.00 to Goldberg, Mechales, Charneske & Schiffman, Ltd., invoice #4303 for independent auditing services. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4; Caulfield, Porch, Hanson, Maravelas.
NO: 3; Pierce, Larson, Turner.

A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Hanson to authorize payment of $10,500.00 to Goldberg, Mechales. Charneske & Schiffman, Ltd., invoice #4320 for independent auditing services. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4; Caulfield, Porch, Hanson, Maravelas.
NO: 3; Pierce, Larson, Turner.

FORD MOTOR CREDIT A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Pierce to authorize payment of $22,268.99 to Ford Motor Credit, invoice #899091, account # 4690100 for the purchase of a new squad car. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson, Turner.
NO: 0.

SMITH ENGINEERING A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Pierce to authorize payment of $14,777.40 to Smith Engineering, invoice #319633, for project #020850 Deercrest/NeuHaven (Redwing Subdivision) On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson, Turner.
NO: 0.

AUTHORIZE PAYMENT A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Turner to authorize payment of the remaining accounts payable in the amount of $358,962.04 as prepared by the Village Treasurer. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 5; Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson, Turner.
NO: 1; Pierce.

MANUAL CHECKS A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Porch to approve the manual checks written to date for the water and sewer account in the amount of $21,409.94, the payroll account in the amount of $13,867.39, the Dolly Spiering Fund in the amount of $2732.70, the general account in the amount of $152,022.12, the Police Pension Fund in the amount of $1,224.83, the Motor Fuel Tax in the amount of $300.00 and the Capitol Project Fund in the amount of $300.00. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 5; Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson, Turner.
NO: 1; Pierce.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Porch to approve check #38284 to Professional Service Industries in the amount of $1,193.30. Trustee Pierce stated that this check was from a previous meeting and asked Administrator Probst to clarify. Administrator Probst stated that this check was from a previous bill that was pulled at the last minute in order to clear up who was responsible for payment. By the time the Village was assured that it was a proper bill, a check had already been cut. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson, Turner.
NO: 0.

NOVEMBER FINANCIAL STATEMENTS A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Porch to accept into the record the financial statements dated 11/30/03 as prepared by the Village Treasurer. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson, Turner.
NO: 0.

FINANCE DIRECTOR Trustee Caulfield stated that at a recently held Finance Committee Meeting, a consensus out of that meeting was to recommend to the Village Board the creation of a Finance Director position for the Village of Antioch. A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Hanson, to create the position of Finance Director for the Village of Antioch with a salary range of $45,000.00 to $60,000.00. Attorney Long stated that an ordinance would need to be amended to reflect the Finance Director position be a permanent part of the administration.

Trustee Larson asked whether there is a job description in place. She stated that some of the recommendations that the independent audit firm Goldberg, Mechales, Charneske & Schiffman (GMCS) has suggested could be implemented by a Finance Director instead of the firm. Trustee Hanson stated that at the Finance Committee Meeting, it was discussed and that the Village needs help now. Trustee Turner asked where the money to pay a Finance Director’s salary would come from. She asked whether a temporary position could be created instead or if we have researched alternative methods having to create another position. Trustee Turner stated that she does not think the Village can afford it.

MAYOR MARAVELAS Mayor Maravelas stated that the Village couldn’t afford not to have this position created. He stated that the Village does not know where our finances and bottom line are as well as how much money is being taken in. He further explained that the Village Administrator’s duties do not encompass the duties of a Finance Director. Rather, he manages all the departments in the Village. He stated that we need someone in place with a CPA to get the Village in compliance with GASB 34 regulations by 2005. He stated that he would rather spend $45000.00 than lose 7,000,000.00 that the Village has lost since 1993.
TRUSTEE CAULFIELD Trustee Caulfield stated that while we are better off than 2 1/2 years ago, we still don’t have anyone in place in the capacity to watch the taxpayer’s money. He doesn’t see how we can explain to the taxpayers that we can’t afford this position. He stated that with the Village growing, more money will be coming through the system and that the system is not prepared to handle it and the people are not in place. He stated that a system needs to be in place by the time GASB 34 is required.
TRUSTEE PIERCE Trustee Pierce read from a prepared statement:

I want to commend Bob Caulfield, Taso Maravelas, Larry Hanson, and Alan Probst for working so diligently on ensuring the future finances of the Village remain strong and viable.

This report so accurately portrays items and information we found shortly following our election to office. It also brings to light new accounting policies, practices and procedures we as a village must begin to implement and practice. An example of this is GASB 34, which must be implemented by March 31st, 2005. Another example is the hiring of a Municipal Finance Expert; we desperately need someone who can accurately guide us through these days of computerized accounting, fancy investment decision making, bond writing, financial reporting requirements etc. .. This position far exceeds what a Village Administrator should handle.

I would like to support them in their effort to rush forward and implement these recommendations. Unfortunately, I have many concerns, doubts and feelings of uncertainty over the push to expend numerous village resources in making this plan happen at the rate they envision and desire.

This statement does not express my lack of support, but rather is a request to implement this plan in a manner in which the Village can afford. I foresee the Village expending over half a million dollars to implement this plan. Detailed planning and projected cost analysis by the Finance Committee instead of this open ended, broad reaching proposal from GMCS would do much to allay my failure to support this proposal.

We must compare the cost of this against the outstanding issues, which currently exist. Storm Water Management issues, while contained, will not go away. Sewer plant retrofitting or replacement is critical, development is swamping our support departments, our police cars don’t have permanent radios, new parks need development and an Aqua Center remains but a dream. Money is coming into the Village coffers and yet no. clear plan of how we will pay for our obligations has come forward from the Finance Committee. We just have this study playing upon our fears of the past. The Village Board should provide better to its residents in light of the money we have spent to reach this point.

I ask the Finance Chair to table the proposal before us to begin Phase Two of this study. I further ask that the Finance Chair hold additional public committee meetings on this very important study. Please, present us with clear and concise long range plans to implement this plan, present us with the true costs involved, work with us to identify a list of items the Village can do through self help or what we cannot accomplish by ourselves. I even believe we can afford to find a Municipal Financial Expert either from a Temporary Service or for a one-year contract to help the Finance Committee and the Board of Trustees sort out these issues.

I also want to take a minute to address another issue that has arisen because of this study. This Village Board has polarized itself into two factions, which instead of working to find compromise are working against each other. I know next year will be here before any of us are ready. In the meantime, we have a lot of work to accomplish for the voters of Antioch. I ask each side to take a step back and use this issue to prove, we are capable of working together to find compromise and develop a plan to forward the vital needs the Village. If we do the peoples business, vote yes only for what is right the politics will take care of itself and we will all be winners especially the Village. If we succeed everyone succeeds.

MAYOR MARAVELAS Mayor Maravelas thanked Trustee Pierce for all of his hard work in the past.

He stated that finances are the economic backbone of the Village and he would rather pay 45-60,000 than lose 5-7 million that this village has lost between 1993-2001.

TRUSTEE CAULFIELD Trustee Caulfield stated that if these systems were in place, a utility tax probably would not have needed to be implemented. He stated he does not know how one can put a number on the total cost and lack of progress that one event alone has caused. He stated that the Finance Committee has discussed what the cost of a new system would be. Preliminary estimates put the software and hardware costs at somewhere in the $30-40,000 ballpark. He discussed that this a cost of taking care of business and the taxpayer’s money. He concluded by saying that the Village needs to do this and it needs to do it now.
TRUSTEE PIERCE Trustee Pierce stated that he is not opposed to going forward with the plan, but to go forward smartly. He discussed GMCS’s weekly rate at approximately $8000. There are recommendations in the report that the Village can do themselves and does not feel he has gotten straight answers from GMCS. He stated that he would vote no.
TRUSTEE LARSON Trustee Larson discussed that at the May 5, 2003 Village Board meeting Trustee Caulfield asked the Board to have a firm come in and look at the financial situation and to make recommendations on what we could implement. She stated that the estimate for that service would be $15,000. As of tonight we have paid $35,112.50. She agreed that the Village needs to implement a system but that it needs to be done slowly.
TRUSTEE PORCH Trustee Porch asked that the Board address the motion on the floor, which was to hire a Finance Director. Trustee Turner stated that she does not have a problem with hiring someone but she does not know how that position will be paid. Trustee Hanson stated that he is shocked that the Board has been making decisions without good knowledge. He stated he would not make another decision on the Board until this issue is resolved.
MAYOR MARAVELAS Mayor Maravelas stated that when he was elected Mayor, one of the things he asked the other trustees was what happened with the money that came out of a settlement with Waste Management that amounted to 3 million dollars. “None of the trustees knew what I was talking about. When I asked the auditor the same question, he said ‘What’s that?’ I also asked the trustees about a check for $175,000. None of the trustees knew about that either. I asked the Treasurer how much money was coming into the Village every day and got no answer. This mayor is tired of no answers. I think we need to put our finances in order so we know where our Village is going financially. We owe this to the taxpayers.”

Trustee Larson stated that the Board has only had the report for a week. Trustee Pierce stated that he wanted to work out a long-range plan. He further stated that many of the items on the report were known 2 ½ years ago. Trustee Caulfield stated that there is no one qualified to make sure certain procedures are followed. He would like a vote on the motion. On roll call the vote was:

YES: 3; Caulfield, Porch, Hanson
NO: 2; Larson, Turner
PASS: 1; Pierce

GMCS A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Hanson, to authorize the Village Administrator to work with Goldberg, Mechales, Charneske & Schiffman during this interim period until the Village hires a Finance Director and to limit the financial expenditure with this firm to $15,000 and when costs reach this amount, that the Village Administrator bring any further expenses to the Board for approval.
DISCUSSION Trustee Turner stated she had a concern on prejudice towards employees by GMCS and is afraid the Village will lose another employee if GMCS is approved. Trustee Caulfield stated this whole study is geared towards making the front office more efficient. Trustee Pierce had a question on what functions will GMCS help the Village Administrator with.

Joseph Charneske of GMCS explained that part of their proposal is to work with the Village Administrator and to bring in a Finance Director. The proposal is open ended so that the Village has the flexibility to hire a Finance Director and to utilize the Finance Director to reduce the costs of Phase 2. He stated that GASB 34 compliance alone could take up to a year.

Of the 42 items in the report, there are several that have been pointed out as priorities for the Village. Items can be implemented by GMCS or the Finance Director. GMCS wants to be as efficient as possible and that certain things have to come before others and that GMCS will work within Village allowances. He explained the opportunity for the Village to get an unqualified opinion if these steps are implemented. Trustee Pierce had a question on the specific items that need to be addressed first. Mr. Charneske named the items by number. Trustee Pierce asked Trustee Caulfield if there is a plan in place as to what the Village Board will assign and not assign to GMCS specifically. Trustee Caulfield explained that in the Finance Committee the named items were a priority and that the Village would use whatever means necessary; most efficient, most cost effective to implement and accomplish those tasks. Trustee Caulfield asked Administrator Probst to explain further. Administrator Probst explained that he would only use the firm sparingly to help the Village as needed to try and keep the cost down to the amount authorized.

There was a discussion regarding prejudice towards employees by GMCS. Mr. Charneske stated that GMCS does not come in with the intention of upsetting anyone but to report what they find. Trustee Turner asked if Mr. Charneske could be the person that works with Village staff. Mr. Charneske stated that the person he has assigned is a specialist who has extensive experience with municipal finances. Trustee Larson asked if there are any outstanding bills from GMCS. Mr. Charneske responded by stating there is one last bill for Phase 1 yet to come. Trustee Larson stated that she has a concern with the bill for the study given the fact that the Village Board approved a lesser amount than is now being billed. Trustee Turner stated that she feels these steps can be implemented without an outside consultant. Trustee Caulfield stated that he feels the taxpayers have the right to know what is going on in the front office and that he feels we need help. Trustee Hanson stated that we have no choice but to straighten this out and to move forward. He commended Trustee Caulfield for bringing this to the Boards’ attention. Mayor Maravelas asked for any comments from the citizens.

CITIZENS John Horan, 786 Hillside Ave. stated his concern about hiring GMCS without having looked at the report in enough detail. Joan Horan, 786 Hillside Ave., stated her concern with the amount already billed and that it would come from a continuation of the utility tax fund. Mayor Maravelas stated that the utility tax will be removed in May or June. Joan Horan stated that the Board could change their mind in two months and keep the utility tax. She feels the Village should go slow.

James Cole, 285 Chestnut Street, asked where the money to pay for this is coming from. Trustee Caulfield responded by stating that the Village receives income from many sources. He explained that the utility tax is not available to pay for this study but that the Village’s ability to pay for the study is there, but that it may have to come at the expense of something else.

TRUSTEE PIERCE Trustee Pierce expressed his desire to step back and for the Board to work together and for the Village to move forward smartly. Trustee Caulfield stated that he feels the Board needs to move forward now and that his motion stands. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 2; Caulfield, Hanson.
NO: 4; Pierce, Larson, Porch, Turner

Mayor Maravelas stated for the record that he would have voted yes. Trustee Caulfield expressed his disappointment with the vote outcome.

TRUSTEE PORCH Trustee Porch asked that retention of services of GMCS be put on the next Village Board Agenda on February 2, 2004 and that a Committee of the Whole Meeting be scheduled to further discuss the proposal put forth by GMCS. A Committee of the Whole meeting was scheduled for Monday, January 26, 2004 at 7:30 pm.
TRUSTEE HANSON Announced that Jane Pensala has officially retired and that the Board wishes her a very happy retirement.
TRUSTEE CAULFIELD Expressed his concern about ice and snow on sidewalks in front of the businesses in town. He also stated his concern about the delay in installing a sidewalk on Lake Street near Jewel Foods. He encouraged those working on it to keep making progress. Attorney Long thanked the Cunningham family for cooperating with the Village to get the sidewalk installed.
RIBS AND BIBS DINNER A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Porch to issue a 1-day liquor license to St. Peters School’s Ribs and Bibs Dinner on February 21, 2004, waiving fee. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson, Turner.
NO: 0.

RAFFLE LICENSE A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Hanson to issue a Raffle License to the Antioch Junior Women’s Club Comedy Night on Saturday, March 6, 2004, waiving fee. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson, Turner.
NO: 0.

ICE RINK VANDALISM Trustee Larson read an e-mail memo sent to her Chris Lienhardt, Park Board Chairman. The e-mail described the vandalism that occurred at the portable ice rinks the Village had installed. It also described the frustration and disappointment everyone feels over this. He asked that if anyone observes vandalism at any of our parks that they contact the police department immediately.
TRUSTEE PIERCE Trustee Pierce recognized Senior Planner George Sakas for being instrumental in the Village’s success with the Storm water Management Commission. Trustee Pierce gave Senior Planner Sakas a gift of a container of water from Sequoit Creek. Senior Planner introduced Christopher Burke and Associates, the engineering firm hired by the Village to review the SMC Floodplain Map. Thomas Burke presented CBA’s analysis of the SMC report. He stated they looked at the five square miles inside the village. CBA found that the floodplain area described in the SMC report was 5-6 feet higher than it is now and recommended that the engineering firm that did the original mapping for SMC review their hydrologic and hydraulic models.

Tony Wolfe, of the SMC stated that SMC has seen CBA’s comments and generally agrees with their findings. Mr. Wolfe stated the SMC would take this back to their engineer and give them a chance to respond. In addition, he stated that the SMC is developing a process and procedures manual to not prematurely release maps before they are ready. Trustee Porch asked Mr. Wolfe if SMC would reimburse the Village for the expense incurred in the hiring of Christopher Burke & Associates. Mr. Wolfe stated that it would have to be discussed at their next meeting. Julie Murphy, Antioch resident, asked if the Village had not hired CBA, would SMC had released their maps to FEMA.

Mr. Wolfe stated that there would have been an internal review.

Senior Planner Sakas thanked CBA and stated that Lee Shannon, Emergency Management Coordinator, has put together a plan to clean up Sequoit Creek. Trustee Pierce recommended the clean up continue. Trustee Porch asked whether we are including the Friends of the Wetlands Committee. Lee Shannon stated anyone who wants to be involved with the cleanup would be included. He stated that there is a meeting on January 28, 2004 to work on the first section. He stated that the cleanup will be done in sections and the area around Route 173 will be the critical area because of traffic. Trustee Pierce thanked Mr. Shannon for all of his hard work so far.

TRUSTEE PORCH Trustee Porch asked that the scheduled Executive Session be tabled until the Committee of the Whole Meeting on Monday January 26, 2004. Mayor

A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Hanson to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 pm. On roll call the vote was:

YES: 6; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson, Turner.
NO: 0.

Respectfully submitted,


Spiro G. Deligiannis
Temporary Village Clerk

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