Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, Illinois

Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL
May 17, 2004

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Maravelas called the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 7:30 pm in the Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL.
ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield Porch, Hanson and Turner. Also present were Mayor Maravelas, Attorney Long and Clerk Monroe.
MINUTES 05/03/2004 Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Larson, made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 3, 2004 meeting with the following corrections:

• On page 4604: Change $64,000 plus benefits to $64,000 including benefits
• On page 4605: Add for the summer to the end of Permits Coordinator Olsen will be going to part-time.
• On page 4614: Change Pierce from No to Absent

On roll call the vote was:
YES: 5: Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSTAIN: 1: Pierce

MAYOR Major Paul Hettich – Mayor Maravelas read the Thank You post card from Major Paul Hettich, for the e-mails, letters and CARE packages that were sent to him while he was deployed.

Route 173 Corridor Council Public Hearing – Senior Planner Sakas stated that included in the agenda packet is the agenda from the Corridor Council meeting that was held on Tuesday, May 11, 2004. He stated that a Public Hearing will be held on June 8, 2004 for the Revised Draft Northwest Route 173 Joint Local Land Resource Management Plan (Horse Country Plan). Immediately following this meeting it will go back to the Route 173 Corridor Council. If the Corridor Council releases it then it would go to the Village of Antioch Planning and Zoning Commission and eventually before the Board of Trustees.

Route 173 Corridor Council Priority Project Survey Rankings – Senior Planner Sakas stated that Mayors and County Board members of the Corridor Council completed a survey with a number of projects impacting the entities included in the Corridor Council. He stated that there were two items (Abbott Property and Rte. 173 Commercial Corridor) that scored a 4.0 (100%) and there were two projects (Model Fiscal Impact Analysis of proposed development and Annexation Impact Fees and Site Design) that received a 3.5.

Dedication of Lakes Community High School – Mayor Maravelas read a letter from Community High School District 117 Superintendent Dennis Hockney, regarding the dedication of Lakes Community High School. The dedication will be held on June 12, 2004 at 1:00 pm, in the auditorium.

Presentation on Weather Radios – Director of Emergency Management Shannon stated that over the last year and a half he has been with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and the Lake County Emergency Management Agency to provide weather radios to sites that will benefit from early notification of a weather emergency. He then stated that he had been provided with 50 weather radios for the Village buildings, the schools, public gathering buildings and the senior housing buildings. Director Shannon presented a weather radio to Mayor Maravelas.

CITIZENS Mary Ann Kuhn – Mary Ann Kuhn, President of the Antioch Chamber of Commerce, stated that the Antioch Chamber of Commerce became aware of the Village and ShareFest projects on May 11, 2004. She stated that the Chamber of Commerce would like to pledge $5,000, the reimbursement from SMC for the floodplain study, to the ShareFest Restroom project.

Mayor Maravelas thanked Ms. Kuhn and the Chamber of Commerce for working so closely with the Village.

James Cole – James Cole, of 285 Chestnut Street, stated that he came before the Board at the last meeting regarding a railing on the Band Shell for the upcoming Memorial Dedication. He stated it has not been done yet and reiterated how concerned the Veterans are utilizing the stairs without a railing.

Eric Roe – Eric Roe, of Silver Lake Avenue, passed out a letter to the Mayor, the Board of Trustees, Attorney Long and Clerk Monroe. He stated that the letter summarizes his position regarding East Road.

PLANNING, ZONING AND BUILDING Ratify approval of position and advertising for clerical position – Trustee Turner made a motion to ratify the approval, from May 3, 2004, to create the potion of and advertise for a clerical position. Trustee Porch seconded the motion.

Trustee Caulfield asked for a refresher on the position and the salary and timing. Trustee Turner stated the position is clerical and will be shared between Planning, Zoning and Building and Engineering.

Director of Planning, Zoning and Building Silhan stated that he advertised for the position at $14.00 an hour.

Trustee Caulfield asked if the timing for the position was immediate. Trustee Turner responded that it was.

Trustee Larson stated the timing is due to the fact that Permits Coordinator Olsen will be going to part-time for the summer.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Antioch Community High School: Exterior Lighting For Fields – Trustee Turner tabled this item.

PZ&B and Public Safety Committee joint recommendation concerning East Road – Trustee Turner stated that there were four members of the Village Board, along with Village staff, in attendance at this meeting. She stated that there was a letter from Fire Chief Volling stating that a fire truck was driven down the road and they were able to turn the fire truck around at the end of the road. She also stated that there were cars parked on the side of the road, when the fire truck was driving down the road.

Trustee Turner stated that at the last Board meeting that a comment was made that the road is only 10 feet wide. She stated that she measured the road and found that it was wider than 10 feet. She also stated that the Fire Chief and Director Silhan measured the road. The road is not 18 feet like the Village Engineer would prefer, so it will be proposed in the budget for the 05/06 fiscal year.

Trustee Turner also stated that a citizen requested that a permit be revoked and the recommendation from the committees is to leave the permit. In addition, there were other residents from East Road at the meeting and they would like the permit to remain. She stated that at this time there is no safety concern and the road will remain as it is.

PZB 04-04 – Trustee Turner made a motion to approve the proposed zoning amendment, from R-5 to B-1, for the property commonly known as 744 Main Street, based on the positive recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board and Village staff. Trustee Larson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

PZB 04-06 – Trustee Turner made to approve the proposed Final Plat for Pulte Homes, Redwing View, based on the positive recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board and Village staff. Trustee Porch seconded the motion.

Trustee Porch asked if all of the conditions were met. Director Silhan stated that all conditions have been met, which is outlined in a letter signed by both Neumann Homes and Pulte. He stated that one of the conditions was a check for $105,000.00, which was handed to him prior to the meeting.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

PZB 04-07 – Trustee Larson made to approve the proposed Final Plat for Deercrest/NeuHaven Unit 2; Neumann Homes, based on the positive recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board and Village staff. Trustee Porch seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

PZB 04-10 – Trustee Turner made to approve the proposed Final Plat for Deercrest/NeuHaven Unit 3; Neumann Homes. Trustee Larson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

PZB 04-09 – Trustee Turner made to approve the proposed Final Plat for Deercrest/NeuHaven Unit 1; Neumann Homes, townhouse lot line adjustment. Trustee Larson seconded the motion.

Trustee Turner asked Director Silhan to explain this item. Director Silhan stated that there are some minor adjustments to lot lines, for one of the products that they want to build. He stated that there are some minor adjustments to make the product fit. He also stated that a certificate from the survey was submitted, stating that the open area and the lot areas are the same as what was approved in preliminary.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

INDUSTRIAL, RETAIL, REDEVELOPMENT, CIVIC AND COMMUNICATIONS Redevelopment Recommendation to approve the purchase of Direction and Parking Signage for Downtown – Trustee Porch asked everyone to refer to their agenda packets to see pictures of the sign. She then explained where the signs would be placed and also that the approximate cost would be $9,997.

Mayor Maravelas verified that the Redevelopment Commission was recommending the signs.

Trustee Turner stated she thought the signs were great.

Trustee Caulfield asked if they would fit the same style as our current signs. Trustee Porch stated they would.

Trustee Larson stated that the signs are very nice.

Trustee Porch stated that the Redevelopment Commission would appreciate any ideas on the placement or appearance of the signs.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATOR Invoices over $10,000 – Trustee Caulfield made a motion to authorize an invoice for L.W. Allen, in the amount of $35,000.00 for the SCADA project, on the condition that the proper documentation is provided to Administrator Probst. Trustee Porch seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Trustee Caulfield made a motion to authorize an invoice for Neumann Homes, Inc., in the amount of $598,780.00 for the transfer parcels connection charge. Trustee Pierce seconded the motion.

Trustee Caulfield asked Administrator Probst to explain what this payment was for. Administrator Probst stated that the $598,780.00 is a portion of a $917,280.00 connection fee from Pulte to Neumann Homes. The difference, $318, 580.00, will go to the Village.

Trustee Porch asked if we had received the full $917,280.00 and then were just giving Pulte the $598,780.00. Attorney Long stated that was correct.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Trustee Caulfield made a motion to authorize an invoice for Pederson GMC, in the amount of $64,124.00 for a 2004 C8500 Chassis with Dump Body, on the condition that the proper documentation is provided to Administrator Probst. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion.

Trustee Porch asked if this was approved in October. Trustee Hanson responded that there were three trucks altogether and that two were delivered back in October, but that this one had to be ordered from the factory.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Accounts Payable – Trustee Caulfield made a motion to approve the accounts payable with the exception of check number 39670 for $886.22, check number 39593 for $207.90 and check number 39619 for $1130.00, in the amount of $864,890.86, as prepared by Village staff. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion.

Trustee Larson asked for an update on the status of finances for the external accountants. Trustee Caulfield stated that Administrator Probst would be giving an update on that later on in the agenda.

Trustee Porch asked how much of the payment to Smith Engineering is from escrow. She stated that she would like to know how much of the almost $64,000.00 is being charged back to escrow. Trustee Caulfield stated that all except two of the escrow payments were from Smith Engineering.

Trustee Porch stated that she thinks it might be a good idea to review the need to continue using Smith Engineering, since the Village is paying a large amount for them.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Manual Checks – Trustee Caulfield made a motion to approve manual checks written to date for the water and sewer account in the amount of $118,239.22, the payroll account in the amount of $6,309.65 the Dolly Spiering fund in the amount of $12,419.78 and the general account in the amount of $139,802.37. Trustee Porch seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Trustee Pierce asked why ADT and SBC charges were coming from the Dolly Spiering fund. He stated that they should be coming from the general fund. Mayor Maravelas asked if this was the first time that this type of payment is showing. Trustee Pierce responded that it was the first time.

Mayor Maravelas asked Finance Director Steele to explain. Director Steele stated she was not sure but that she could research it.

Trustee Caulfield amended his motion to approve them with the condition that check number 1094, 1095 and 1096 be paid back from the general fund.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Escrow Invoices – Trustee Caulfield mentioned that there were escrow invoices and asked that next time the list include the vendor.

Status of Budget – Administrator Probst stated that a copy of the budget was included in with the agenda packet. He stated this is a step towards GASB 34 and a start toward building up a 6 month operating fund. He also stated that the budget was completed with the help of the Department Heads and that the number of funds was reduced from the 80 there were before. He concluded by saying that there would be a finance meeting and then a special meeting to present the budget for approval.

Trustee Larson stated that some departments had employees identified by name, but not all. Administrator Probst stated that it was done that way in some departments because there was not any other way to identify who the salary was for. Trustee Larson stated that she understood, but would like to see each employee listed and if they are hourly or salary.

Trustee Caulfield stated that he asked Administrator Probst to have a committee meeting to allow the Trustees to review the budget before asking them to approve it. He also stated that he feels Administrator Probst should be commended on the job he did and all of his hard work.

There was discussion about when the special meeting would be held. The finance meeting will be held on Monday, May 24, 2004 at 7:00 PM and the special meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 26, 2004 at 7:00 PM.

Other Business – Trustee Caulfield asked Administrator Probst to give a review of the financial situation. Administrator Probst started by stating that Director Steele had started full time and that they meet, with Manning Silverman, to discuss where they are at and where they need to be.

He also stated that on two occasions, he has requested $25,000 and that so far $44,232.00 has been spent. He stated he will be requesting more money, but before that happens he will have Manning Silverman do a presentation on the work they have been performing. He informed the Board that the employee previously working for Goldberg, Mechales, Charneske and Schiffman (GMCS) is now working for Manning Silverman.

Trustee Porch asked if the presentation would be on what they have done or what still needs to be done. Administrator Probst stated it will be both. He also stated that Trisha provided some of that information in her memo.

Trustee Caulfield stated that he wanted to commend Administrator Probst and staff for the work being made on the invoice cover sheets and all of the work that has been done to improve the information provided. He asked Administrator Probst to explain what had been done to improve the information. Administrator Probst stated as a result of emphasizing the bills that the Department Heads are finding bills that should not be paid or that have already been paid.

Trustee Larson asked if the information they receive will ever have more detail. Administrator Probst stated that it is the intention and that once the financial software is in place that can be done. He also stated that he and Director Steele will be starting to talk to financial software companies to get ideas of what is needed.

Trustee Turner asked if Manning Silverman will charge the discounted rate for the employee that previously worked for GMCS. Administrator Probst stated that he would be discussing that with Manning Silverman.

Trustee Turner then asked if the accountants were still focused on reconciling back to April 30, 2003. Administrator Probst stated that it the date they are reconciling towards.

Other Business – Trustee Porch asked why, at this time, the $10,000.00 is being moved to the Clock Tower fund. Trustee Larson stated that the money was pledged to the Clock Tower. Trustee Porch stated she understood but wanted to know why it is being moved now. Trustee Larson stated that there was not any discussion at the last Senior Council Meeting.

Mayor Maravelas asked Administrator Probst why it was moved. He stated that he would follow up with Senior Coordinator to find out why it was done at this time.

PUBLIC SAFETY, PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES Environmental Mosquito Management (EMM) Program – Trustee Hanson stated that this program is the same as the program that was approved last year. He then made a motion to approve the EMM Program. Trustee Porch seconded the motion.

Trustee Pierce stated that he had heard about funding for Mosquito programs and suggested it be looked into.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

PARKS AND LICENSE Park Rental – Trustee Larson made a motion to approve a park rental request for Margene Povlos at Williams Park on June 13, 2004. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Park Rental – Trustee Larson made a motion to approve a park rental request for Lynda L. Kuhn at Centennial Park on May 29, 2004. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Park Rental – Trustee Larson made a motion to approve a park rental request for Wayne Foresta at Williams Park on June 20, 2004. Trustee Pierce seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Other Business – Trustee Larson read a letter of remembrance for Veterans of past wars, provided to her from an anonymous resident.

Other Business – Mayor Maravelas reminded everyone of the Baskin Robbins Golf Outing that will be held on June 10, 2004.

ENGINEERING AND SENIOR SERVICES Ordinance 04-05-20 – Attorney Long summarized the ordinance and suggested that the second reading be waived. Trustee Pierce made a motion, seconded by Trustee Larson, to waive the second reading, approve and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance, 04-05-20, entitled AN ORDINANCE CODIFYING ORDINANCE NUMBER 98-07-46 AND AMENDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS THEREOF (ALSO KNOWN AS THE PRE-TREATMENT ORDINANCE OF ANTIOCH).

Trustee Caulfield questioned section four of the ordinance, pertaining to the permit fee. Attorney Long stated that the fee went up. Trustee Caulfield stated that he feels it is an insignificant fee. Attorney Long stated that the pass through provision requires them to do their own testing and to pay for the qualifications that goes along and those are significant expenses.

Trustee Pierce stated that the memo from Director Steele stated that all fees would be reviewed. Trustee Caulfield stated he understood, but that this seemed low and if there was any research done. Engineer Nyberg stated that it is the appropriate fee and that it covers the cost of staff time to review the permit. He also stated that there is a provision in the ordinance to charge more if additional work is required.

Trustee Caulfield stated that it plays into accepting leach and that the fee doesn’t seem enough to evaluate. Attorney Long stated that in the part of the provision that is not being amended that additional engineering fees are accounted for.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5: Pierce, Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 1: Caulfield

Other Business – Trustee Porch asked how long it would be before new fees were brought before the Board. Administrator Probst stated that some would be recommended in a few weeks and some would be over the next year.

Trustee Porch requested that staff review the escrow fee, perhaps to 2 ½% and 1 ½%, so that the Village would receive more. Director Silhan stated the staff is reviewing those fees.

Administrator Probst stated that Manning Silverman recommended a 2% and 4% fee.

Trustee Turner verified that they might not be reviewed for a year. Administrator Probst stated she was correct, that some may not be reviewed for a year. She then asked if Manning Silverman was reviewing the fees and Administrator Probst stated it would be Village staff.

ATTORNEY Executive Session – Attorney Long stated that executive sessions for personnel, litigation and purchase of property had been requested. A motion was made by Trustee Hanson for the Mayor and the Board of Trustees to move into executive session, at 8:50 pm. Trustee Pierce seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Return – Trustee Pierce made a motion for the Mayor and the Board of Trustees to return from Executive Session to the open meeting at 9:12 pm, with no action taken. Trustee Caulfield seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Trustee Larson and seconded by Trustee Hanson to adjourn the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees at 9:13 pm.
Respectfully submitted,


Amy S. Monroe, Village Clerk
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